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Hello everyone

This is the running update from the Executive Director. Have questions or comments? Suggest some added information or edits? Contact ED colin at kantarainitiative dot org.


In April, we welcomed new members Dylan Woodburn Dominode and Exponent Inc from the US (the latter being an outstanding performer in our KIPI program), and welcomed back renewing member, a well known member in our Trust Framework program. Thank you! 

The first half of the month was incredibly busy for me as Kantara Europe was in 3 different consortia bidding for 2 EU H2020 grant funding applications, all closing on the same day on April 17.  Much of the strength of Kantara is drawn from its breadth, and no better example exists where this is borne out. One consortia bidding on a blockchain project wanted Kantara because of its Trust Framework operations and knowledge of how to elicit assessment criteria from Standards and proceed to create a program of assessing, reviewing, approving and granting of trust mark.  While you may view blockchain identity and attribute exchange as a new thing, this fledgling industry draws on established processes.  Another bid wanted Kantara because of its reach into Applied Research and Development arising out of the KIPI Program - in essence locating ground breaking ideas for further grant funding - while the third consortia was re-bidding a proposal submitted last year, but some with additional consortia members, one of them being OIX UK. It is a good example of industry collaboration where complementary value propositions can be leveraged for the common good.    

By mid-month my focus was on our many liaisons. The first was drafting our Liaison Statement and reviewing our comments on ISO 29184 (Guidelines for online privacy notices and consent) ISO 27552 (Enhancement to ISO/IEC 27001 for Privacy Management - Requirements) to go to ISO SC27 WG5 for the upcoming meetings in Wuhan China later this month. A few days later saw me discussing the role Kantara could play in the ONC's Trusted Exchange Framework Common Agreement in US Healthcare together with Kantara members Experian and ForgeRock in a dial-in call to the HIMSS conference in Las Vegas, all the while advancing no less than three separate bids for H2020 EU grant funding via Kantara Europe, and finally, 'circling the wagons' for Kantara's panel at the KNOW Identity conference with panelists Mary Hodder from IDESG, Scott Shorter from Kantara Accredited Assessor KUMA, Tracy Hulver for Kantara Approved CSP and Leadership Council Chair Andrew Hughes. The topic was 'Service Provider Certification: Who Cares Anyway?'. We worked through what certification is, the different stakeholder perspectives, and we had some great comments from the full house.    

The much heralded members-only release of the Service Assessment Criteria for the NIST SP 800-63-3 Guidelines for Digital Identity, for identity & credential service providers, was released on Thursday, March 22nd. It was both a pleasure and relief to see the final product after nine months of effort by a small band of dedicated volunteers in the Identity Assurance Working Group. Thanks again to for supplying editing resources. Stand by because we have new deliverables from other working groups poised for publication.   

There's more to come folks - much more.Kantara members and contributors were also well represented at IIW 26 in the first week of April, leading sessions . As you browse through the session notes you will see frequest references to sessions on UMA and Consent Receipts led by Kantara WG leads and contributors. This one in particular - - led by LC Chair Andrew Hughes drew such interest that a hack day was created at MIT labs on April 26th to take the work further. It is a typical example of the blank canvas development that Kantara has such a reputation for.  While mentioning the LC Chair we are very grateful to him for representing Kantara at the ISO SC27 WG5 meetings in Wuhan China where Kantara's contributions to several standards in development, were tabled. Kantara is fortunate to have a formal liaison with ISO SC27 WG5 and is the main reason some members join. The Liasons work group is necessarily for members only, given the IPR conditions applicable to these draft works, but offers a rare opportunity for organizations and individuals to influence the outcome of standards that have the potential to game-change our industry. Contact us if you would like to join this group to work on standards in advance of the next meeting in Norway in October.

We are preparing for the range of conferences in May.

First up is the Kuppinger Cole hosted European Identity & Cloud Conference in Munich for a combined Kantara AGM and European members plenary on Monday May 14th (please register if you are planning to attend) prior to Kantara's own pre-conference workshop the following morning Tuesday 15th that curtain-raises the formal opening of the conference.

Next is Kantara's first own-brand Summit for Marketing, Media and Privacy now May 22nd in London with a keynote from Johnny Ryan from Irish programmatic advertising company Pagefair and well known in IAPP circles, together with many ad tech industry luminaries. Group tickets available from £139 each. If you are a Kantara member, at 30% discount using this code K3022 on Registration.

Later that week, I will be in Helsinki keynoting at IAMwithUBI and with the UK royal nuptials the week before still in the recent memory of many, I will marry a well known wedding rhyme to the current state of digital identity.  Wish me luck on that one!

It's going to be a great month!

Kind Regards,


Around the Houses:


Program, Work Group and Discussion Group Updates:

  • Consent Management Systems best practice WG is seating its editor for the first tranche of work has seated its editor, and its meetings are currently taken up with demos from various solution providers to inform the collection of best practice going forward. Thank you sponsors iWelcome and  

  • You can always keep up with the latest news from the Work Group and Discussion Groups directly off the Leadership Council's Blog.

  • Join them See the list of public groups here
  • Consent Receipt v1.1 is  and the SAML V2.0 Interoperability Deployment Profile V1.0 is being prepared for publication just in time for those last minute preparations for GDPR!
  • The IRM work group is considering the use of Graphing technology to provide fine grain permissions to address governance, risk Management and compliance requirements, while also catering for the increase in scale arising from the explosion of IoT. 
  • As always our Specifications, Recommendations and Reports are available for download from our Reports and Recommendations web repository.   

  • Not sure where to find things? Staff are only too willing to assist.  Contact them via email.

Events: See them all here!