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Hello everyone 


Meanwhile, work continues unabated at Kantara, if anything, even busier. The Assurance Review Board has just accredited a new assessor, Slandala, I mentioned joined last month which is just in time as we have additional service providers preparing for pre-assessment as they seek the coveted Kantara Trust Mark for NIST 800-63-3 at IAL2 and AAL2.  Thanks to's sponsorship of an editor, development continues on the Service Assessment Criteria for NIST 800-63-3C (Federation Assurance Levels) continues in the Identity Assurance Work Group, alongside our support of Canadian non-profit DIACC on the review-and-comment process of the revised drafts of the Pan-Canadian Trust Framework. The ISI-Work Group has its first 3 projects in the starting blocks and attracting global participation, such is the interest in the future shape and form of the Kantara Consent Receipt specification and the emerging draft retro-fit framework underpinning it, so please join up and contribute. UMA-WG is doubling down on conformance and interop testing while the but join right right now to see Thursday's presentation on its UMA extension work from member Identos.  The FIRE-WG continues to has two interesting papers in play that are receiving good vibes from the Healthcare sector.    

I emailed selected members that I thought might be interested in opening a We continue to 'circle the wagons' on exactly what slice of work the notional Work Group on mDL (Mobile Drivers Licence) - not so much for its driving relationships but for might take on, to progress its use as a mobile identification tool. We have been assisting Newly released is the Secure Technology Alliance (STA) with the development of a white paper which will be released later this month, and given Kantara's reputation, and credibility, in operating Trust Frameworks, the emerging idea is that the time is right to begin drawing on this largely blank canvas that is the mDL ecosystem today. If you are reading this, and have interest to sponsor projects in a possible mDL work group please Contact Us. We welcomed two new North American based members to the Kantara community during February - The Slandala Company, joining Kantara to engage in the Identity Assurance Trust Framework program and Mike Schmidt an individual contributor with special interest in the next phase of development of the Consent Receipt. A big thank you and shout-out to renewing members too - a triumvirate from Europe comprising Seadot AB and SUNET from Sweden, Nixu from the Netherlands as well as Individual Contributors Janelle Allen, John Wunderlich and Stephen Hutchinson's mDL White Paper that Kantara members Exponent, Idemia, individual contributor members David Kelts & Ken Dagg and Staff gave time and effort to, the challenges published there are informing our perspective.  It's quite an art to locate and align Replying Parties requirements with the priorities of vendors, together with Kantara's capabilities, so expect it to take a little while yet. Meanwhile please Contact Us if you have an interest in moving mDL for mobile digital identity forward. 

New members continue to steadily arrive at our community door.  This month we welcome individual contributor Kate Downing and welcome back Qroot Consulting from the Netherlands together with individual contributor David Kelts. Thank you all!  

Kantara's staff are spread across the world - Italy, Spain, the UK, Argentina and the US.  We are all in varied forms of lockdown but we remain safe, well and serving you every day. Please do the same so that we can continue to help deliver the great work that you do.

Whether in good times and in bad times, we face our challenges together and we work through them together. This very difficult time is no different. But the tide will eventually turn and Kantara's global community will be the stronger and wiser and the people it serves will emerge to embrace the good times that lie in the far distance.


Program, Work Group and Discussion Group Updates:

  • You can always keep up with the latest news from the Work and Discussion Groups directly on the Leadership Council's Blog. See the list of public groups here.
