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Hello everyone 

This is the running update from the Executive Director. Have questions or comments? Suggest some added information or edits? Contact Colin at kantarainitiative dot org.


As anticipated last month, Kantara's Information Sharing Interoperability Working Group did indeed release the Blinding Identity Taxonomy Report joining the Report on the Design Goals for a Healthcare Identity Environment Architecture as the second of the two published Reports so far this year.  There is a some seminal thinking being championed by Tom Jones on self issued high assurance identifiers, self generated on a user's portable device, with particular interest to the Healthcare community, so keep a watch on how that develops. While on the topic of US Healthcare, Kantara, along with other Trust Framework Operators we have a liaison with - SAFE and DirectTrust are working with partners CARIN Alliance on a template federated Trust Framework contract to pass to CareQuality the subsidiary to the ONC's TEFCA RCE (Recognized Coordinating Entity) Sequoia to help prime the Trust Framework pump in that sector.  Meanwhile UMA WG is reviewing parts of Identos's healthcare implementation with a view to potentially profiling them as additions to UMA's stable of standardized extensions and profiles. There's growing interest in developing a test harness for UMA Basics, so if you are reading this and implementing and and would be interested to know more, please Contact Us.  Finally, IAWG is developing Service Assessment Criteria for Assessors to use to approve CSP Services as being compliant with the requirements specified in NIST 800-63 C Federation and Assertions.

We are giving some thought to running our Summer Webinar series again this year. It was very popular when we last held it in the summer of 2018.  It is an ideal opportunity to showcase the work being undertaken in the work groups as well as Kantara members' implementations of them in their solutions. Interested to be involved? Please Contact Us.

Talking of Webinars, we help others out with theirs too. I am moderating a session this coming Thursday in the Festival of Identity. On June 25th, Kantara will present the shape and form of the privacy related challenges in mDL implementations in a Webinar hosted by the Secure Technology Alliance (STA).  Remember, we are circling the wagons for a workshop as a part of Kuppinger Cole's Custech online conference in October. Again, Members please Contact Us if you are interested in being involved regarding any of the topics above.  

The Identiverse Virtual agenda is out! Great to see organization member speakers from Forgerock, Hindle Consulting, Idemia, Microsoft, MIT::Trust Data Consortium and Individual Contributors Jon Lehtinen, Lorrayne Auld and Nat Sakimura. Well done folks!   

During May we welcomed new Individual Contributor members Zenia Vasquez and Tom Jones and renewing Organization member Hindle Consulting along with renewing Individual Contributor members Christine Abruzzi, Catherine Schulten, Jon Lehtinen, Mark Lizar and Martin Smith. Thank you all for stepping up   During June I've been privileged to be invited onto ONC's FAST Identity Solutions SME panel to help assess the potential future digital identity architecture approaches for citizen-facing US Healthcare. The combination of Kantara's cohort of SMEs together with standards and best practice highly applicable to Healthcare sees the organization's engagement in the sector increase by the month. It's not just uni-directional either. It was great to see the ONC attend a Kantara Healthcare Identity Assurance work group call this month.  This reflects a trend of increased US federal agency interest in Kantara's activities of late.  Meanwhile the larger Identity Assurance work group that is the steward for Kantara's Identity Assurance program, has completed the Service Assessment Criteria for NIST 800-63 C Federation and Assertions and is now embarking on all level 3 criteria - 800-63-3 IAL3, AAL3 and FAL3 - with grateful thanks to for its sponsorship of the unenviable editing task. That it has completed this work, while also submitting comments to the Pan-Canadian Trust Framework Credentials (Relationships and Attributes) component bears testament to just how hard these volunteers work, to selflessly support the development and maturing of the global ecosystem.   

In technically challenging circumstances, the Secure Technology Alliance (STA) hosted the 3rd of its 4 Webinars on the Privacy and Trust aspects of a future mDL ecosystem on June 25th, led by Kantara's President Matt Thompson, supported by members John Wunderlich reviewing the mDL standard ISO 18013-5 through a privacy lens and Exponent's Christopher Williams looking at Trust-related aspects in the transaction communication flow.   And while on the subject of webinars, Kantara's own Summer Webinar series is taking shape with the first Webinar announced for July 15th - what does it take to be approved as NIST 800-63-3 conformant? Stay tuned for other sessions to be announced in coming weeks. Interested to be involved? Please Contact Us.

June saw us welcome new Individual Contributor members Mark King and Vitor Jesus from the UK. renewing Individual Contributor member Barry Hieb, and renewing Organization members Digital Transformation Agency Australian Government, Australian/Belgian personal data specialist Meeco, and the UK personal data software innovator, KnowNow Information. Thank you for everything you do to support Kantara!  



Program, Work Group and Discussion Group Updates:

  • You can always keep up with the latest news from the Work and Discussion Groups directly on the Leadership Council's Blog. See the list of public groups here.
