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Hello everyone

This is the running update from the Executive Director. Have questions or comments? Suggest some added information or edits? Contact ED colin at kantarainitiative dot org.


June holds the last major digital identity conferences before the summer break. Kantara's Track at EEMA's 31st Annual Conference in London June 13-14 was themed 'The rhythm of Kantara' and featured speakers representing each phase of the Kantara lifecycle. I We Nixu member tara on Track 13, June 14th),  MyData and PIMS meeting In Lyon, June 19-20Representing new innovative ideas being prepared to be socialized in Kantara, Dr Rachel O'Connell from TrustElevate talked about her idea to develop best practice in the handling of personal data of children and young people. She was followed by Kantara member Adunity (CEO Rupert Graves) who walked us through what needs to be done to clean up the awful mess that Adtech has created with programmatic advertising and how Consent Receipt, a deliverable from Kantara's Consent & Information Sharing Work Group, plays a key role. We finished with Kantara Trust Services accredited assessor member Nixu (Principal Consultant Compliance Bjorn Sjoholm) explaining 'what you need to know' as a service or solution provider look to obtain 'trusted service' status using Kantara's flagship Trust Framework and Assurance program as an example, and how your auditor can be your friend as you navigate these waters. 

Two weeks later we were at Identiverse in Boston June 24-27 (see Kantara on Sunday 4.05pm Room 306) offering a similarly themed showcase with representatives from the User Managed Access, Identity Relationship Management and Consent & Information Sharing Work Groups.  

We started the following week in London for Kantara's first own-brand Summit for Marketing, Media and Privacy on Tuesday May 22nd. We have had lots of fluctuations in fortune with this event leading up to it. This was partly due to other events crowding in the week which, back in January when we confirmed it, was clear of any other similar events, and also partly due to our fantastic speakers being called upon to do last minute corporate or client work around GDPR, leaving us with the unenviable job of replacing them with equally good speakers. As it turned out #MMaP2018 was well attended, the speakers were fantastic, and the was a real buzz in the room as the awkward and uncomfotable questions were asked and discussed by distinguised Keynote speakers and expert panellists. Our liaison partner OpenConsent Group staged a workshop the two days following #MMaP2018 and the reports from those workshops as well as the presentations from the main event are in the Events Archive.  


New Members joining this month are UNLOQ Systems Ltd from the UK, Carlos Dominguez from Canada, Reede Taylor from the Netherlands and Sunil Kapila from India, while CA Technologies Inc and Judith Bush from the US renewed. Welcome UNLOQ, Carlos, Reede and Sunil, and welcome home CA and Judith!


Program, Work Group and Discussion Group Updates:

  • Consent Management Systems best practice WG has seated its editor, and its meetings are currently taken up with demos from various solution providers to inform the collection of best practice going forward. Thank you sponsors iWelcome and  

  • You can always keep up with the latest news from the Work Group and Discussion Groups directly off the Leadership Council's Blog.

  • See the list of public groups here
  • Consent Receipt v1.1 and the SAML V2.0 Interoperability Deployment Profile V1.0 is being prepared for publication. 
  • The IRM work group is considering the use of Graphing technology to provide fine grain permissions to address governance, risk Management and compliance requirements, while also catering for the increase in scale arising from the explosion of IoT. 
  • As always our Specifications, Recommendations and Reports are available for download from our Reports and Recommendations web repository.   

  • Not sure where to find things? Staff are only too willing to assist.  Contact them via email.
