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Hello everyone


Without question, the highlight for Kantara came on the first night, Sunday at 6pm at the Welcome Reception.  With a drum roll from the band to herald the announcement of something important, the respective Presidents of the Identity Ecosystem Steering Group (IDESG) and Kantara took to the stage to formally sign the legal documents to transition IDESG artefacts to their new home at Kantara, amidst the unveiling of the IDESG logo straplined with 'A Kantara Trust Mark' on the big screen. You can see both it and the press release here on the slider featured on Kantara's website landing page.  IDESG'committees can continue their great work in Kantara's IDESG Working Group while the IDEF and Registry will sit alongside Kantara's own Trust Marked schemes from its Trust Framework Operations and Assurance. program. The IDESG brand and Trust Mark will continue to be promulgated in the US.       It will take a few months to settle, but we sense an air of anticipatory excitement from the IDESG mebers and non member participants as the brand and assets enter this next phase of development.     

In the closing days of the month, in response to public member comments, we modified the way in which you download Kantara's Reports, Recommendations, Specifications and Policy documents.  If you have any queries or comments on the revised approach or want to be kept informed about developments on the work you are interested in, please Contact us because we now have no means of contacting you.      

New Members joining this month are UNLOQ Systems Ltd from the UK, Carlos Dominguez from Canada, Reede Taylor from the Netherlands and Sunil Kapila from India, while CA Technologies Inc and Judith Bush from the US renewed. Welcome UNLOQ, Carlos, Reede and Sunil, and welcome home CA and Judith!


Program, Work Group and Discussion Group Updates:

  • Consent Management Systems best practice WG has seated its editor, and its meetings are currently taken up with demos from various solution providers to inform the collection of best practice going forward. Thank you sponsors iWelcome and  

  • You can always keep up with the latest news from the Work Group and Discussion Groups directly off the Leadership Council's Blog.

  • See the list of public groups here
  • Consent Receipt v1.1 and the SAML V2.0 Interoperability Deployment Profile V1.0 is being prepared for publication. 
  • The IRM work group is considering the use of Graphing technology to provide fine grain permissions to address governance, risk Management and compliance requirements, while also catering for the increase in scale arising from the explosion of IoT. 
  • As always our Specifications, Recommendations and Reports are available for download from our Reports and Recommendations web repository.   

  • Not sure where to find things? Staff are only too willing to assist.  Contact them via email.
