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Hello everyone


Two weeks later we were at Identiverse in Boston June 24-27 offering a similarly themed showcase with representatives from the User Managed Access, Identity Relationship Management and Consent & Information Sharing Work Groups.  Thank you Eve Maler UMA Chair, Andrew Hughes LC Chair, Sal D'Agostino IRM Chair and Mark Lizar immediate past Vice Chair of the Consent and Information Sharing WG for your fantastic efforts in spite of the venue's technical issues. The big news of the session was ORIGO's announcement following the earlier release of industry information that it successfully trialled UMA with a sample size of 15 million people in the UK Pensions Dashboard project. All credit to Origo, their partners ForgeRock and of course the UMA WG without whose selfless community volunteer efforts to make what some in industry still say is technically impossible, not only possible but demonstrably scaleable.   'Nurture, Develop, Operate - that's what we do' 

A big shout-out also to Cirrus Identity, who were so kind to give up some of its display table in the Expo Hall in order to accommodate Kantara. Having focussed my efforts to have Kantara members Gluu and Cirrus Identity have a spot in the Industry Community area next to our recently incubated friends ID Pro, I forgot to order a place for Kantara itself! Thank you Cirrus Identity!   


Program, Work Group and Discussion Group Updates:

  • You can always keep up with the latest news from the Work Group and Discussion Groups directly off the Leadership Council's Blog. See the list of public groups here.
