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Hello everyone


It's great to see Kantara's 'NIST 800-63-3 Class of Approval' receive so much fresh interest. I think that this is in part due to US Federal agencies finally having the cycles to include it in procurement requests, together with the cumulative effect of its reference in the April announcement from HHS that TEFCA v2.0 was open for public comment, and ONC's announcement of the opening of competitive bids for the Recognized Coordinating Entity (RCE).   

The 3rd week of March saw the DHS Showcase finally take place in Washington DC after its initial postponement during the Federal shutdown in January. Our KIPI performers, Exponent with its MOB4PACS project using smartphones as PIV cards with NFC and BLE. and Lockstep with its ValidIDy attribute capsules demonstrated their features and picked up further interest, as they ready themselves for partnering and commercialization. 

The last week of the month featured the KNOW Identity conference in Las Vegas, with many Kantarians in attendance, at the podium presenting, on the stage on panels, as well as receiving awards. Congratulations and many thanks for your support Catherine Schulten, Sphere Identity's Katherine Noall, Experian's Kathleen Peters, Meeco's Katryna Dow, ID Crowd's Adam Cooper,'s Blake Hall, ID Crowd's David Black, ID Crowd's Gillan Ward, 1Kosmos' Rohan Pinto, ID Machines' Sal D'Agostino, Lockstep's Steve Wilson and Tom Sullivan. Also recognizing the hat tips and support at the event of our Liaison Partners FIDO Alliance and ID Pro. It was a great event with Kantara helping out or liaison partners ID Pro on the educational session 'Privacy essentials for ID Professionals' and members featuring other members or Kantara reps on their panels.     But interest goes beyond the current Classes of Approval as organizations see new and revised standards emerging from organizations such as ISO on electronic driving licences which require an assurance scheme to extract the full potential from mDL programs. It's not just a US phenomenon. Kantara has received interest in its Assurance program from Europe and Asia during April also.    

I was traveling again in the early part of April, this time to Tel Aviv, where together with Leadership Council Chair Andrew Hughes and other Kantara members sprinkled amongst national bodies, we attended the ISO SC27 meetings, and specifically Working Group 5 Identity Management and Privacy where it was formally proposed to include an example from Kantara's Consent Receipt v1.1 into Annex B of ISO 29184 Online privacy notices and consent. Not only did we come away with this great result, but also as rapporteurs of a new Study Period to look into the feasibility of a standard for consent receipts and records. Drafting a v2.0 of the consent receipt has understandably taken on a new sense of urgency and I'm pleased to report that a volunteer working for a large consulting company has agreed to lead the v2.0 project.  In other ISO news Kantara's IDVP Use Case contributions were well received and consituted the vast majority of the report. It's hard to overestimate the significance of this, given the that the report lays the foundation for the future posture of the identity standards coming from ISO. You can be involved too, just as long as you are a Kantara member in good standing, in order to gain access to and contribute to the draft standards from ISO SC27 Working Group 5.  

Meanwhile, the UMA working group was presenting to the OAuth working group at the IETF 104 meeting in Prague to support its contribution of the UMA 2.0 specifications for formal standardization. Many thanks to ForgeRock's Eve Maler for preparing the deck, together with co-presenter Maciej Machulak, Pedro Silva in the room in Prague, Gluu's Mike Schwartz, Hindle Consulting's Andi Hindle, Cigdem Sengul, George Fletcher, and other UMAnitarians who pitched in to improve the slides in the weeks leading up. You can find the presentation materials on the Work Group wiki

It did not end there however, with your intrepid Exec Director doing a dash across the globe to catch the Future Trust Go eIDAS workshop in which Kantara Europe is a partner, followed by fellow NGI_Trust partner Fraunhofer's Open Identity Summit in Garmisch-Partenkircken near Munich. This is my first time attending and I was super impressed with the speaker line-up. If you want to know what's coming down the pipe from research institutes and universities as they present their papers before they hit prime time at main conferences, this is 'must-see'. We came away with a fresh basket of actions arising from Kantara's heightened reputation in Europe resulting in organizations wanting to work more closely with us to apply our services and operations in that continent. Just as well Program Manger Ruth agreed to become a Director also! Thank you!And on the last day of this month I write this from Tel Aviv, I am here with Leadership Council Chair Andrew Hughes about to start a long hard week in ISO SC27 meetings, supporting a suggestion form a well known industry luminary to have an example Kantara Consent Receipt added as an annex to ISO 29184 Online privacy notices and consent. Andrew will also be tabling the results of the IDVP Use Cases from the Kantara discussion Group of the same name.  

On the community side of the house:


Program, Work Group and Discussion Group Updates:

  • You can always keep up with the latest news from the Work and Discussion Groups directly on the Leadership Council's Blog. See the list of public groups here.
