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Hello everyone


Like many other organizations, we wanted to position Kantara optimally in terms of GDPR compliance, and took the opportunity to review our Privacy Statement and clarify our lawful bases for processing personal information across our website pages. Internally we have reviewed where your personal data resides in our largely cloud based systems and took steps to minimize movement by processing it where it rests. Whether you are a member or non member participant there's no specific action you need to take, but we would be grateful if you could familiarize yourself with the revised Privacy Policy (now renamed Privacy Statement) and if you have any queries or comments please Contact us.    

Kantara was participating in a range of European conferences in May. First up was the Kuppinger Cole hosted European Identity & Cloud Conference in Munich with a combined Kantara AGM and members plenary on Monday May 14th. The AGM and member plenary was attended by around 15 members primarily from Europe but we had representaton from north America and Asia-Pac too.  Kantara's own pre-conference workshop the following morning Tuesday15th was exceptionally well attended. Each year the conference organizers give us a bigger room and each time we fill it. We may have had the largest crowd of any pre-conference workshop this year. 


Program, Work Group and Discussion Group Updates:

  • Consent Management Systems best practice WG has seated its editor, and its meetings are currently taken up with demos from various solution providers to inform the collection of best practice going forward. Thank you sponsors iWelcome and  

  • You can always keep up with the latest news from the Work Group and Discussion Groups directly off the Leadership Council's Blog.

  • See the list of public groups here
  • Consent Receipt v1.1 and the SAML V2.0 Interoperability Deployment Profile V1.0 is being prepared for publication. 
  • The IRM work group is considering the use of Graphing technology to provide fine grain permissions to address governance, risk Management and compliance requirements, while also catering for the increase in scale arising from the explosion of IoT. 
  • As always our Specifications, Recommendations and Reports are available for download from our Reports and Recommendations web repository.   

  • Not sure where to find things? Staff are only too willing to assist.  Contact them via email.
