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Hello everyone

This is the running update from the Executive Director. Have questions or comments? Suggest some added information or edits? Contact ED Colin at kantarainitiative dot org.


February enabled Kantara's Assurance program  to show the results of the weeks of intense activity in the Assurance Review Board with 2 major announcements. The first was Experian's CrossCore Platform service Approved under Kantara's “NIST 800-63 rev.3” Class of Approval, gaining the coveted Kantara Trust Mark for NIST 800-63 rev.3-conformant services. The second was Excelsior Security Solutions, that became an Kantara Accredited Assessorin the last week of February following a recommendation by the Assurance Review Board and Kantara's main Board approval.  

February 1st heralded the call for proposals officially open for Kantara Initiative Europe's 2019 European Union H2020 grant funded NGI_Trust project with other consortia members GEANT, Fraunhofer, Tecnalia, EFIS and EDN. The call closes April 30th and has received strong interest already with nearly two months remaining. Regardless of whether you are a European based individual, research institute, start-up or mature company that is building solutions for the Next Generation Internet, we need your help to make those solutions humancentric by developing them to be both scalable as well as privacy and trust enhancing. Our two other bids with a different mix of consortia are looking good! I hope to update you on our progress in due course

The second week of February saw your European based staff gather in Vienna for the TIIME workshop brilliantly convened by eGov WG Chair Rainer Hoerbe. We find this a perfect venue to brainstorm longer term strategy and work through detailed plans for the Assurance program and the R&D program, because we are surrounded by our friends from the Research and Higher Education Federations who regularly attend this conference to engage with each other and with Kantara too, one of the few (if only) industry consortia to be bestowed such honor, given the alignment of our collective ethics and ethos  

While on the subject of R&D, the DHS signed off Phase 3 of Exponent's MOB4PACS project using smartphones as PIV cards with NFC and BLE, the final phase which sees this fantastic technology ready itself for commercialization. 

On the community side of the house, Consent & Information Sharing is working towards the revision of its Consent Receipt real world use case demo and its respective Consent Receipt Generator. Meanwhile the UMA WG is in advanced preparations to present UMA v2.0 to the 104th IETF meeting in Prague in April to ready it for a standards track contribution. The Identity Assurance Work Group is working hard on preparing comments comments on the Pan Canadian Trust Framework whose Overview is out for public review as the ID Proofing and Verification Discussion Group assembles its strong set of use cases into a report to ISO SC27 Working Group 5 later in March in time for the Study Period's findings in Tel Aviv in April. Kantara's liaison with Working Group 5 is seeing increased activity as the international standards drafts covering identity and privacy reach a more developed and mature stage in their development.  

As we prepare the Privacy privacy session for our friends ID Pro in their education sessions for identity professionals at KNOW Identity in Las Vegas later in March (hurry - there's still time to grab a ticket with the Kantara discount code), we are also setting the agenda for workshop agendas and speaking slots for Kantara members at the European Identity Conference in Munich in May and Idenitiverse in Washington DC in June, all of which are taking place in these coming monthsin June the slew of events starting with Identity North in Toronto, then Identity Week UK, EEMA UK, Think Digital Identity UK, Whitehall Media IDM UK, and in the last week Identiverse in Washington DC. If you are attending the EIC in Munich in May, please make sure you arrive a day early and register here for the Kantara Members Plenary on Monday May 13th, the day before the Kantara pre-conference workshop and the event opening just after. community discounts and planning our participation at Conferences and Events too. Of course our participation is your participation. 

'I've really got to join Kantara'  must have been a New Year's Resolution for some, because as with all other aspects of Kantara activity, Membership has seen a significant uptick. A big welcome to new members Transmute, Gluu (stepping up from 2 individual memberships), Excelsior Security Solutions, Michael Zygma and Parker Crockford. As well, a big welcome back to Airside Mobile and GEANT who renewed their memberships in January! 

February? 'Bring it on' I say (wink)

As I previewed 2019, at the end of last year, I saw that it marks Kantara's 10th anniversary (June 17, 2009 to be precise). You will see our 10th Anniversary logo adorning a range of our artifacts over the course of the year. Whether you have been in the Kantara community right from the beginning, or just joined us recently, we want to know what you think about us - both where we do well and where we could do better. Please spend a few minutes answering these 10 multi-choice questions in our annual member survey. join me in welcoming new organizational members members the Lush Group and Seadot as well as individual contributor Lisa LeVasseur.

And welcome back renewing members in February two New Zealand organizations Sphere Identity and the Department of Internal Affairs, as well as long-serving Board member, the Internet Society. A great big thank you to you all for continuing your support of Kantara.

Hang on tight folks - it's going to be a busy few months!

Kind Regards,


Around the Houses:


Program, Work Group and Discussion Group Updates:

  • You can always keep up with the latest news from the Work and Discussion Groups directly on the Leadership Council's Blog. See the list of public groups here.
