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Hello everyone

This is the running update from the Executive Director. Have questions or comments? Suggest some added information or edits? Contact ED colin at kantarainitiative dot org.


What a year it's been. Happy Holidays and best wishes for a fruitful and fulfilling 2019 to everyone!

It's New Year's eve as I write 2018's last Director's Corner on a cloudy, mild 'm writing this on a cold but sunny winter's day . I hope your weather - be it searing heat in Australia or freezing cold in our most northern climes - has not deterred you from having some well deserved rest, recreation and catch-up time with family and friends.   in England. Nearly a foot of snow still covers the ground after 2 days of bad weather. Of course the temperatures and snow are nothing compared to the polar vortex that our community colleagues have had to endure in North  America and the knowing smiles from our Northern Europe neighbours who live with snow as part of everyday life.   

10 days ago in London, that was exactly the case, as the Gluu World Tour rolled into town and I met up with them and the Open Consent Group members for an extended Christmas lunch. With Kantara's 2018 Events Map with its near-on 20 events fresh in our minds, it was great to reflect on the year. I had just returned from Brussels where Kantara Programs Manager Ruth and I had been forward planning Kantara Initiative Europe's 2019 European Union H2020 grant funded NGI_Trust project with other consortia members GEANT, Fraunhofer, Tecnalia, EFIS and EDN. When the call opens in February to European-based entities, you'll see our KIPI R&D submission process re-purposed for use in Europe that, together with our deep relationship with communities doing ground-breaking work in the digital identity, access and privacy-preserving domains, is the reason Kantara was invited to join this consortium in an already highly successful call.       


Next week I will be in Washington DC supporting our KIPI Program partners at the DHS S&T Cybersecurity and Innovation Showcase. I've planned to meet with as many of you as I know will be available. If you are in DC next week please just Contact us to reserve a meeting time.  And while on the topic of next week please, please.. remember the Identiverse deadline is closing fast, so make sure to submit your presentation idea before the January 11 deadline.   

It is with great pleasure that we welcome new individual member Ivan Niccolai from Australia, joining fellow Australians, the Digital Transformation Agency, Lockstep Technologies, Meeco, Unify and others. 


Program, Work Group and Discussion Group Updates:

  • You can always keep up with the latest news from the Work and Discussion Groups directly on the Leadership Council's Blog. See the list of public groups here.
