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Greetings folks

This is the running update from the Executive Director. Have questions or comments? Suggest some added information or edits? Contact the ED colin at kantarainitiative dot org.


For the small organization that we are, we punched well above our weight as we have at most events this year, using our scarce resources thoughtfully and innovatively to give organizations much bigger than us a serious run for their money. That is certainly helped by the many members who supported us in speaking at our pre-conference workshop, mentioning us in their own presentations, pointing folks to our booth , and proudly wearing our buttons, stickers , and non member participants who It helps when carefully and  yed iPlease wear your Kantara 'swag' or seek out those sporting buttons, banners and stickers, to get yours.  See you there!and badge banners to stand out from the crowd. And that we did! I had numerous (envious) comments from other consortia and observers, just how much of an impact on the event we made.
We just want to see all that interest translate into paying members and corporate directed funds for our Working Groups' projects.  Whether you are able to direct, cajole, influence or just 'nudge' please be in no doubt - your help is appreciated.  
I want to finish this month's Director's corner with a shout-out to the new members joining Kantara over the past few months: from the UK, Adunity (on the side of 'good' wrt the UK digital advertising community), Meeco from the Personal Data community, seeking approval under Kantara's Identity Assurance Program and TrustMark, European identity solution providers UbiSecure (welcome back guys!), and Janelle Allen & William Lowe as individual contributors.  


Program, Work Group and Discussion Group Updates:

  • Keep a look out for a new Report - "Refining the Design Principles of Identity Relationship Management v2.0f from the Identity Relationship Management Work Group, hitting the Reports and Recommendations page later this month.
