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The band of member volunteers that consistently step up to deliver Kantara artefacts such as the Consent Receipt v1.0 and very soon, UMA v2.0, are often the same folks who assist the Board and staff with strategic and operational re-alignments.

We need more of them and if you are reading this, please you!  Please take that next step and send me an email at the address above, and let's discuss how you and/or your organization can help Kantara reach its goals - not for its own sake - but for the your organization's customers, consumers and users of its online services delivered through service providers adopting our programs and specifications to make the internet a safer, more private and more equitable experience.        

And there is a lot we can do.

In the world of identity we have been witness to the rise of the Blockchain phenomenon that might or might not herald a new dimension to counterbalance the rise of identity theft and hacking on a scale hitherto unseen, with seemingly no target immune.

And in the world of privacy and personal data, our electronic connectedness sees a global rippling effect on us all in the industry as the EU prepares for the enforcement of GDPR and the introduction of eID.      

We are receiving a lot of interest in Consent Receipt and UMA as tools in the GDPR compliance arsenal right now. And interest in our conformity assessment program for Identity Assurance that is currently deployed just in the public sector but has so much potential in the private sector. There are not many open platforms to develop industry specifications and frameworks and none as accessible as Kantara's.  That is at the center essence of Kantara's value to the industries and communities it serves.     

Our industry is stacked full of observers, commentators, bloggers, researchers, report writers, tweeters and re-tweeters.  Nothing wrong in that.  They all contribute in their own way.  
