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In 2017, Kantara will pivot around a refinement of the existing Mission Statement and sharpen its focus on conformity assessment of its frameworks and specifications, with a closer orchestration and re-alignment of WG and DG outputs towards its programs. While Kantara's existing strap-line 'Join, Innovate, Trust' is will remain close to our hearts, you'll see and hear more of 'Invent, Innovate, Implement' which talks to the the essence of what we do.   directly to our outputs.   

Those outputs are the world leading thought leading specifications


The band of member volunteers that consistently step up to deliver Kantara artefacts such as the Consent Receipt v1.0 and very soon, UMA v2.0, are often the same folks who assist the Board and staff with strategic and operational re-alignments. We need more of them and if you are reading this, please take that next step and send me an email at the address above, and let's discuss how you and/or your organization can help Kantara reach its goals - not for its own sake - but for the customers, consumers and users of online services delivered through service providers adopting our programs and specifications to make the internet a safer, more private and more equitable experience.        
