Versions Compared


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Matt King, SAFE BioPharma

Ruth Puente, KI


Incommon Update 

  • Focus on implementing the Baseline Expectations.  Legal agreement and policy documents have changed.
  • Started sending Monthly metadata health checks.


Kantara Update - Identity Assurance Working Group (IAWG)


  • GSA informed KI that Nandini Diamond has left the FICAM Program area but no new representative was confirmed for the TFS Sync.

  • NIST:  Naomi Lefkovitz will join the next TFS calls replacing Paul Grassi.  She commented to Colin that the contractors are working on the identity evidence list table and want to avoid duplication so she shared the work they have done so far

Scott: strength of evidence Table 5.1;  5.2 and 5.3 should be addresses in the same format.



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    NIST 63A Identity evidence spreadsheet. Regarding the scope of work discussed in the previous TFS Sync, she said that they are also doing work in item b and c


  • .



Scope of work: B and C They are on the list but not yet.

NIST spreadsheet: Evaluation of evidence types, Scott Shorter commented that his concerns on 63A are partially satisfied with NIST spreadsheet and made a quick review as follows:

  • The spreadsheet addresses the evaluation of evidence types and provides strength of evidence and justification.


NIST provided the spreadsheet they are working on as they want  to avoid duplication of work. 


  • Strength of evidence Table 5.1 is addressed on the file; tables 5.2 and 5.3 should be addressed in the same format. 


  • Smart cards and/or FID cards are called:


  • School


  • ID and Bank statement:  FAIR
  • Driver license: STRONG
  • Social security and birth certificate: WEAK



  • There is no differentiation among States and one of the gaps identified was that the text should differentiate the


  • States´s driver licenses. 
  • He raised a question about Table 5.3 physical or biometric verification, which references Biometrics section on 63B: What´s applicable?, all the requirements´s set of Biometrics section or only the subset when applies to a photograph? 

Peter Alterman suggested to review the spreadsheet and share our comments and suggestions for revision and provide a common draft to Naomi. Also, he suggested that the file could be circulated in 2 circles, in a reduced group and then in the wider group. 


Scott said that his concerns on 63A are partially satisfied with NIST spreadsheet but he has a question about Table 5.3 physical or biometric verification, which references Biometrics section on 63B. What´s applicable?, all the requirements´s set of Biometrics section or only the subset when applies to a photograph? 

TFS group. 

Action items from the last Sync on this regard: 

1) Review the NIST excel sheet63A Identity Evidence spreadsheet, identify gaps, point out what is missing, make comments and concrete recommendations and then send it back to NIST. 

2) Redraft Scott Shorter to revise the scope of work


according to this meeting discussion.