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a. Approval of IAF-1410 and IAF-1420


There was quorum (5 voting participants out of 8)

Minutes Approval

2018-02-22 DRAFT IAWG Minutes were approved by motion. (SS made the motion and was seconded by MH)


Any other Business 

  • MH commented that once the Real ID specific, once they are is issued, NIST should see how to fit it into 800-63-3. RW made the following question: what it is asking of issuers that makes a real ID credential better than the pre-existing forms, what would allow states to be variable in the implementation? MH responded requrieng based on ciihip criteira and all of the other variations on how you are legally in the country, he will write something. 
  • KD commented about the news 'US carriers testing replacement for two-factor authentication' and shared the concern as pointed out that it will probably affect us. 
