Versions Compared


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Voting Participants: Ken Dagg, Martin Smith, Mark Hapner, Mark King, Richard Wilsher

Non-voting participants: Roger Quint, Varun Lal, Chris Lee, Jimmy Jung, Tim Reiniger, Marc Aronson , Roger Quint

Staff: Kay Chopard, Lynzie Adams


  1. Administration:
    1. Roll Call and quorum determination
    2. Agenda Confirmation
    3. Minute approval (DRAFT minutes of 2021-08-19)
    4. Staff reports and updates
    5. LC reports and updates
    6. Call for Tweet-worthy items to feed (@KantaraNews)
  2. Discussion 
    1. Finalize proposed criterion language regarding "comparable alternative controls."  
    2. Finalize proposed text regarding use of "presentation attack detection" (PAD.) 
    3. Confirmation of other non-substantive changes to criteria to be included in the package to be submitted.
  3. Any Other Business and Next Meeting Date


Administrative items:

IAWG Chair Ken Dagg Martin Smith called the meeting to order at about 1:04PM 07PM (US Eastern), and called the roll. It was noted that the meeting was quorate. 

Minutes approval:  Mark King moved approval of the draft Minutes of the IAWG meeting of Aug 12 19 . Richard WMark H. seconded. The minutes as distributed were approved unanimously.

Staff reports and updates: ED Kay Chopard–New APM Lynzie Adams, starts next week on Monday. Hope she will be on the next IAWG call. Kay Invites anyone to offer suggestions re: any Kantara issues, strategy, etc. .  Kay Chopard–today talked with UK contact.  Had good relationship with Colin.  But "K is a mystery organization."  Need clarification obv. KC-- we can participate in more than one UK stakeholder group. They are planning to HAVE CERT PROCESS SO recommend we respond to latest. They encourage responses, to get balance against lots of indiv negative responses.  KD: any indication of knowledge of past contribs. KC: no, but may have meant Colin no as K.  Mark K: will send q's on their latest, not draft but point out issues we should be aware of. 

RW: should I talk to them when I am in UK?  Mark K: no prob. KC: don't think we need in-person, but need to make sure they realize Colin/=KI. May also be confusing C and Ruth as representing Kantara Europe.  KD: willing to give this one more try, we had been on pause b/c of lack of positive impact. Maybe a new face . . . We have been responding if govt is a member or might be. Felt UK was not likely.  OIX was on their board and may have discouraged KI access.  Sept 13 deadline. . . .KC: that's why she said keep it short. 

JJ: concerned about their lack of familiarity with KI. I know we have briefing materials, should we try to present that? KC – will present at EIC next month. 

Action:  Mark K to send his input. 

LA:  first meeting yesterday. Look forward to getting more involved. Worked with K prev.  Natl Dist Atty Assn MOved to SC at University. MPA in progress. 

LC reports and updates:  Ken –  Ken – not much to report. 

Ken  reminded WG participants that Kantara staff is ready to help them publicize their newsworthy activities via the @KantaraNews Twitter handle. Requests can be sent to Ken D or Kay C.


RW displays all-together spreadsheet.  Red text changed since last formal publication. 

In COSAC, no RED. 


martin says: lets do CACs and PAD. 

Richard starts line-by red line. One minor item in OPSAC. 

63A --

#80 – ok

#177  (CACs) – OK

#460, 480 – if KBV . . .

#630-50 – PAD changes – KD:  calls for comment. This text approved. Agree these are material. 

relevance of "material" :  might send only material via full review and just pub all.   Will be first digit on version # is incremented. 63A , B will go to 5.0. 

Explanatory note at end of 63A 

63B – 

#350  – cross-ref not material

#790 – clarity, not material

#1505 - 20.  

Finalize proposed criterion language regarding "comparable alternative controls (CACs)."  
