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JJ:  No sure every KI assessor is going to be able to make these judgments about risk and effectiveness. Might create a risk to Kantara's reputation. 

MH:  If K states we are doing this analysis of alternative controls' effectiveness on reasonable criteria, then believe risk to Kantara can be reduced. 

JJ:  Believe RW's suggested added IAF criteria seem a reasonable basis. 

Ken: Notes that the NIST language seems directed at Agencies, not CSPs. Not sure how to put the onus on the Agency. 

ET:  What we must do is make sure an agency customer is aware of the requirements of accepting "comparables" 

RW:  We assess CSPs. Not RPs. We have criteria for federations that would impose requirements on their member RPs. 

JJ: How would we express the results of an assessment based on use of a comparable alternative control?

ET:  We would provide a memo clarifying that the service is/uses an alternative control. 

Ken:  good discussion. Summary:  seems worth pursuing, incorporating RW's draft criteria. 

RW, ET, KD, MH. – agree.  Ken: asks RW to be ready to discuss initial draft criteria., But may not be available for a couple of meeting in August.  Ken Next week is the 15th. 

RW: Can have something for the 15th. 

JJ: Does ARB need to get involved?  What's the process where an alternative control is involved?  RW: agrees there needs to be a process to communicate the decision. 

RQ: yes we need to coordinate and communicate with NIST. RW: Yes, but we are not asking permission. 

MK: Australia: individual submissions only  Ken: yes. Deadline 7/14. 

Ken: Pan-Can framework new doc out for comment by   28 July    revisiting "vectors of thrust" concept. Doesn't seem to orelevant but wil send around. 

CLose meeitng at 2:05. 

Next meeting 15ht. 


Next Meeting: Next Thursday, July ??  at 1PM US Eastern