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To provide a protocol and framework based on notice and consent that supports the use of records and receipts for decentralized authorization independent of identifier technology. To provide a specification for an ANCR receipt that is used as  notice (anchor receipt for notice of purppose and context) and proof of that notice that supports this decentralized authorization (Auth C) by the principal and the controller/operator.

Collaborate with other Kantara, and community and standards groups in the adoption of the protocol and the " anchor " receipt.

(3) SCOPE: 

  1. Publish a white paper that presents the flow of the Auth C protocol and the dual receipt structure.
  2. Publish a Notice a Receipt Specification to address the technical gaps in the current specification and include that includes recent standards and other technical and legal developments.
    1. Update the initial consent receipt specification by specifying the explicit consent record fields for legal proof(s) of notice and proof of consent.
    2. In the update take advantage of ISO 29184 and other relevant technical standards, laws and policy developments.
    3. Address technical gaps in the initial consent receipt specification, with new specifications, e.g.  a data privacy vocabulary.
    4. Innovate in accordance with Kantara Operating Procedures and promote a consent notice receipt (a receipt that is a notice of consent) as an international tool for human, legal and decentralized identity governance and interoperability.


Specifications in scope



Contributed Towards

Anchor Receipt

  • Publish as a Kantara Specification
    • Complements existing Consent Receipt
    • Maps to ISO 27560 and 29184

January 2022 - start of group, expected 6-month effort.

  • Kantara Specification
  • As appropriate for ISO 27560, FAPI, GNAP and related works.


Regulators looking for technical controls to implement legal requirements that scale.

For human beings, as the implementation of the notice and consent receipts provides provide an alternative/complement to terms and of services and privacy policies to provide , and provides something that can be understood by people. This is in contrast to the “biggest lie on the Internet”current abuser experience, namely that privacy policies and terms of service address privacy concerns and provide safeguards of personal information.


The first phase is the completion of the whitepaper and in parallel the specification. As in the table above this is expected to take 6 months, but there is no proposed time limit on the group.


Proposers Name


Organization (or Individual)

Voting Member


Dr. Harshvander Pandit

harshvardhan.pandit [at]

Trinity College Dublin

W3C Data Privacy Vocabulary WG


Paul Knowles

paul.knowles [at]

Human Colossus


ToiP-Inputs and Semantics WG

Jan Lindquist

Jan [at]



ISO 27560 Editor, Hyperledger Aries Digital Ledger Consent

Sal D’Agostino

1dmach1n35 [at]



Security Industry Association, ToIP, Kantara

Mark Lizar

Mark [at]



Trust Over IP Notice and Consent Task Force

Dr. Vitor Jesus

Vj [at]



City University, Trutless TeamISO 27560