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This Sunday we are having an informal workshop for Privmas as this is rapid Workshop formation, the plan has been to set the schedule, send the invites and let people choose to join (or not).  There are few special spots reserved for possible surprise guests. 

 Announcements and Updates will be appended to this Page where comments are also encouraged.Updates

  • The sessions are planned to be - 10 - 15.  

  • With a relaxed approached to questions and discussion. 

  • ThePrivMas theme is governance interop, (in honour of GDPR) and guest, friends, WG, of the project have been invited.   

  • The ice breaker for the call: 

    (Optional) Join with a Goto Meeting pseudonym and turn vid off for the call start (no real mask required),   Should (hopefully) make the call a bit more interesting and fun .  

    Thank you for getting involved everyone !  

    PS  Role playing has become a use case for PrivMas interop (not a call activity) very interesting for looking at how different governance types  s might work together (more details below) 

Suggested Agenda 

(thanks to those of you that have confirmed availability or not) 


12 PM est (This Not a WG meeting, its an Open Interop and Project Update Anti Workshop -no IPR involved...) 

  1. Welcome Mark (2-5 minutes)
  2. Intro Speaker Doc Searls - Anti - Consent (10 minutestbc)
    1. proper PrivMas -  Doc Rant on the broken aspects of Marketing & whats changing (not changing) 
  3. Project Presentation - Intro's  (30-60 minutes)
    1. ISO - 29184 +  Consent Record 2020
    1. Break  - External Efforts 
    2. MyData Operator
      1. Joss
      IEEE 7912 (10 - 15 minutes)
      1. (Mary, Iain, Doc)
    3. Research Data Sharing - Alliance 
      1. Anadi 
    4. aNG - Report on  EU Data Strategy
      1. Olivier
    1. Education with Consent  - Presenting the Skills Alliance
      1. Mathias  
    2. Me2B
      1. Lisa
  4. Break  - External Efforts 
    1. GA4GH Intro 
      1. James H 
    2. W3C DPV
      1. Harsh 
    3. PCTF - DIACC
      1. Joni
    4. ToiP - Newly Launched
      1. Drummond
    5. ISO - 29184 +  Consent Record 2020
      1. Nat (Mark and/or Andrew/Joe)  
  5. Break - Demo's & Side Projects
    1. Alexa Consent Receipts 
      1. Muhammad
    2. BRUE -  UMA Demo 
      1. Xiaohu
    3. Digal Ledger Consent Tech (Update)
      1. Jan + Mark
    4. Blinding Identity Identity & DDE
      1. Paul + John
    5. (add your own - demo or side project here)
  6. Break  -Interop Sessions
    1. UMA Conformance for Interop
      1. Eve Maler 
    2. UMA - Contract Grant Record 
      1. Mark, Tom & James
    1. Notification Access Receipt Interop (Topic)
      1.  Tom
  7. Summer Project (s) 
    1. Brainstorm Interop Ideas - and list here over the session - for discussions later 
      1. UMA/Kantar interop? 
    2. In the Works
      1.  DPV to G4 
    A PrivMas Toast (5 minutes)
    1. To the amazing work this community has done - and will do !! CheeerS 

Materials - (Put your Materials Here) 


These are the event communication notes/guidance for future reference. 

Event Announcement 


 Interop Role-



(A use case for


facilitating decentralised governance experience) 

 An idea for future PrivMas Fun - Attendee’s can (Optionally) participate in co-creating a trustworthy-social masking protocol.  (If you choose)
