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Sunday.May 24, 2020


Presenter Title of PresentationMaterials Notes/Tweets References    
Colin Wallis Kantara PrivMas2020 Special Video of the PrivMas Call 

Colin Wallis (Unlicensed)  Kick's off the Kantara PrivMas with international #PrivMas Gifts 

Video Link to the Call - is here (its big at the moment) 
Doc SearlsAnti-Consentiment

The R Button

Former user (Deleted) Why #PrivMas  needs to kill contract of adhesion -  its not human consent

Is the operator the 4th party?

Mark LizarPrivMas -Intro

Review of the history of the legal standards and the background of this work in the OECD Transboarder Flows.   Referencing the - 2003 ISTPA Presentation 

The History of OpenNotice & Biggest Lie:  MyData, My Control, My Consent  - the growth of my data focused communities and efforts. 

Mark Lizar (Unlicensed) #PrivMas History

This the 2003 ISTPA Presentation by John Sabo from Computer Associates, which serves a great backgrounder to the legal standards that lead to many of the current technical standards.

Mathais De Bievre & Olivier Dion

aNew Governance Project for the EU Data Governance Architecture 

European Commission Data Strategy- An infrastructure for decentralised consent (inherent to design) data infrastructure for permissions. 

Addressing the lock-in of big-data platforms 

Forming a New Governance in the MyData Community - with interoperability amongst data operator. 

  • Human Centric Governance 
  • MyData Declaration 
  • Separation of Powers 
  • Cross Sector and Domain 
aNG -the upstart EU Network -enjoys PrivMas at Kantara - with Separation of Powers and the Power of  Skills & Mobility Use Cases 
Joss LangfordMyData Operator
  • The MyData Operator 
    • Updates 
    • Proto-Operators 
    • Professional Association in Development

View file
nameUnderstanding MyData Operators Privmas.pdf

MyData Operator - PrivMas at it's best - global best practices 
Jim HazzardCommon Accord

Accountability - e.g.

Common Accord, a #PriMas gift for a New Governance 
Muhammad WaqasAlexa - AI Consent ReceiptsLive Demo of a consent receipt sent via email - where the email must be read before the consent moves from implied consent to explicit consent.   Implied to let Alexa offer a service and explicit for access to data - later in the flow - 

Paul Knowles

View file

From the Human Colossus Foundation for scaling data governance -" A home for synergy"
Tom Jones A Call To Action for Consent Identity ProtocolPresented a dynamic architecture for real–time emergency response data access, also references to work in Kantara FIRE WG.

Xiaohu BRUE: UMA For Cross Domain Explicit Consent (for HealthCare) 

I'm hungry. That soup looks awesome! - BlockChain-UMA Specific Soup

Demonstrating international health care use case where UMA is used to enable cross Jurisdictions Electronic Health Exchange - with explicit consent as the framework for the exchange.  

Sal D'Agostino Identity Surveillance TechnologyBigger Brother - - a SoShanna Zubov Review -  And a PrivMas gift - Active transparency Over Surveillance Capitalism 

Salvatore D'Agostino Closes #PrivMas Eve - with a Toast and tale of Bigger Brother - to close

Interop Gov Role-Play For Video Conferencing Calls

(A use case for facilitating decentralised governance experience) 


(More trust and assurance guidance for participation in Gov frameworks to mimick or perform to human expections).This is why we have moderators, and security protocols to kick people out etc, so that the risks can be mitigated

The Game Play Options

The risks mitigated in the call are captured through masking  identity in different ways to reduce privacy and security risk of the person, intended to be extremely flexible.  Generally, people can identify each other through topic and voice, but the idea is to let people join the call, so no one really knows who each person is to begin with.  And with all the video turned off..  as people present, and talk, they can turn on video, and people can communicate via chat.


Each person's guest can act as a proxy - so their could really be unknown people on the call - which is why its good for a work group/community rather than a public event.    

Is not to
To find the imposter but to create a feeling of trustworthiness with the governance assurance frameworks and perhaps specification governance tools or tech that is employed /applied by the group,  experience the impact of a governance framework, examine assurances and their integrity specify a governance tool. Explore combinations that are more trust-worthy.