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Mary also attended Quantified Self conf, reported most were focused on very narrow interest, also health care reps that had difference focus. No focus on microformats. Mary spoke on personal data ecosystem (all questioned if this was "privacy" session), VRM, how to normalize data sets, how to let user have control. Was very cool! (See Mary's report)

Mark mentioned G8 meeting and France's approach (3 strikes) to copyright, cookie rule (explicit consent required). In UK, related proposed legislation will be challenging to implement.

Joe cited Danah Boyd's article (PDF) about how teens perceive and manage privacy. Worth reading. Mary noted teens don't have jobs but do have parents (dictatorship). Authors may be presenting this paper at Berkeley shortly.

5. Quarterly Reports

-On Joe's to do list for Kantara, report for Q1.

6. Information Sharing Agreements

from Iain: how CRM views this (Marketing and onward Sharing data) - both of interest to individuals

Three top level types of marketing (for purpose binding)

1) Above the Line marketing (i.e. no personal data required to drive the marketing, or specifically gathered by it)
- - placeholder, not much we can/should do, e.g., blimps flying overhead

  • branding


  • TV advertising


  • posters etc.

2) (Direct) Marketing to you in the context of a relationship - e.g., communicating with "customers," can be in various channels (mail, web, etc.)

3) (Direct) Marketing to you without the context of a relationship (i.e. there is no relationship current or past, or the details are not being factored into the communication), i.e. Prospecting - soliciting a response or transaction

(Direct marketing is something that touches an individual's PII. For merchants who pay for an ad, they may not know the recipient's PII.

GIven the above, I then sub-divide both 2 and 3 as per below


b) (Marketing of) Existing products/ services from your portfolio I have not specifically asked you to tell me about - recommendations vs. bordering on spam

c) (Marketing of) New products/ services from your portfolio I have specifically asked you to  tell me about


7. Action Items Review
  • Joe - quarterly report for Q1
  • Judi - update quorum (7 not 6) on participant roster, add Doc to in-person + no motions,
