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DateSourceUse CaseDescriptionChampionStatus
2016-07-05DG-BSG callAlice Consents to Health ResearchTrust and verification in a health research contextPatient consent for health research on their data, leveraging GA4GH model data sharing consent form.Jim? John?under development
2016-07-14DG-BSC callCertificate Transparency

Certificate Transparency (CT) is an experimental IETF open standard and open source framework for monitoring and auditing digital certificates.

This document describes an experimental protocol for publicly logging the existence of Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates as they are issued or observed, in a manner that allows anyone to audit certificate authority (CA) activity and notice the issuance of suspect certificates as well as to audit the certificate logs themselves.  The intent is that eventually clients would refuse to honor certificates that do not appear in a log, effectively forcing CAs to add all issued certificates to the logs.

Logs are network services that implement the protocol operations for submissions and queries that are defined in this document.

2016-07-14DG-BSC callStellar Consensus Protocol

This paper introduces a new model for consensus called federated Byzantine agreement (FBA). FBA achieves robustness through quorum slices—individual trust decisions made by each node that together determine system-level quorums. Slices bind the system together much the way individual networks’ peering and tran- sit decisions now unify the Internet. 

2016-07-14DG-BSC callInterLedger

We present a protocol for payments across payment sys- tems. It enables secure transfers between ledgers and allows anyone with accounts on two ledgers to cre- ate a connection between them. Ledger-provided es- crow removes the need to trust these connectors. Con- nections can be composed to enable payments between any ledgers, creating a global graph of liquidity or Interledger

