Versions Compared


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*** This is in the process of being updated to include and reference the MVCR which replaces and updates a great deal of this specification *** 


  1. Organisations to register consent notices to distribute a: 
    1. Reciept
    2. Sign
  2. For Trusted Services to enrol with the registry so trusted services can be selected by organisations enrolled in the registrywho enrol
  3. for an assessment of trusted services and components


This document is a product of the ISWG CISWG Work Group. It records the scenarios and use cases governing the development of consent receipt and guiding associated implementations and deployments.


This document is currently under active development. Its latest version can always be found herefound here. See the Change History at the end of this document for its revision number.


This document is a product of the ISWG Work Group. It records the scenarios and use cases governing the development of the Consent Receipt Schema (CRS) and guiding associated implementations and deployments.CISWG. It described a specification for creating a Consent Registry Server.  

The Registry will enable organisation to enroll in the server, record information to produce a consent receipt, provide the code to deliver receipts and provide the infrastructure to manage externally a compliance rating. 

Please use the scenario template near the end of this document in adding new scenarios and subordinate use cases. Change the status keyword in each scenario and use case title as appropriate, linking to the meeting minutes page explaining the status change:

  • Pending: Initial status when first submitted
  • Accepted: Needs to be accounted for in Consent Receipt Schema V1 (MVCR) and/or its associated compliant implementations
  • Deferred: Relevant to the problem space; may be considered in future versions
  • Rejected: Out of scope

Edit the descriptions of technical issues and scope questions to reflect (or point to) group decisions about how to handle them.




Minimum Viable Consent Receipt (In Progress)

Submitted by: Mark Lizar


The goal of this scenario is to create a specification for a receipt schema and a demonstrator; creating, providing and using a minimum viable consent receipt. 


Initial Audience

  1. Open Notice & Kantara Community
  2. The Usable Privacy Project
  3. Mozilla
  4. Internet Society


****  Cut/Renew from here ***

Minimum Viable Consent Receipt (MVCR) Specification v.05


Economic Performance of Consent:

A commercial receipt you received at point of purchase has many uses, it can be submitted to a third party, either to show a budget and costs, or to report on what was purchased and for how much.  It is a great tool for reducing friction, saves time reading policies one by one, save money.  Like a commercial receipt, consents can also be submitted to a third party, it can be compared, counted, and like purchasing preferences, consent preferences can also be collected.   In this way a receipt and preferences can be used with third parties like a token to access other services.


Scenario 1; Part 3 Wire Frames - (in Progress Through Stage 1 & 2)




Issue: unique-title

(Provide technical commentary on the issues brought up by this use case.)
