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Kantara TelcoID WG Teleconference 

Table of Contents


  • Date: September 9, 2010


  • Jonas Hogberg, Ericsson (voting)
  • Fulup ArFoll (voting)
  • Gael Gourmelen  (voting)
  • Sebastian Lampe, Fraunhofer FOKUS (non-voting)
  • Dervla O'Reilly, non-voting


Please find a proposed agenda here:

* Roll Call
* Minute Taker
* Amendments/modifications to the Agenda
* MoMs for approval:
  - [|]
* AP review
* New work : "CookBook for  Massively Scalable Telco IdM Systems", ...
* WP next steps: ICIN status
* KI fall member meeting, Paris 19-21 Oct., hosted by Orange: []
* Next teleconference
* AoB
* Adjourn


1. Roll Call

See above; 3 out of 6 voting members were present, so the call was not in quorate.

2. Minute Taker

Minutes were taken by Dervla O'Reilly.

3. Amendments/modifications to the Agenda
  • WAC discussion (framework for APIs)
4. Action Items Review
  • ACTION20100630-06 and 07: (Jonas) still pending
  • ACTION20100630-08: Comments for whitepaper (All) still pending
  • ACTION20100630-12: Jonas to contact Beng Salinm, Chairman of SA3 re. liaison with 3GPP (present TelCo/Kantara work in domain of IDM ) to communicate our wish - Jonas reached out, they are looking for further details from us, Jonas will reach out again.
  • ACTION20100715-01: Stephan of Alcatel Lucent recently signed up for non-voting member.  Other new members would be followed up to encourage them to join the call as well - Jonas made contact - closed.
  • ACTION20100826-02: (Ingo) Explaining mindmap in text (progress will start with a two weeks time lag).

5. Approval of MoM from previous telecon:

  • Minutes could not be approved due to lack of quorum.  
6. New Work

[Cook Book|] for massively scalable telco IdM systems.

Ingo has put some comments on the CookBook which will be taken into consideration for further versions. Besides, the focus is also on finalizing the documents in terms of Telco requirements and network APIs.  Participants have been on holiday, no movement since 4 weeks ago.  

ACTION20100909-01: Fulup will send an email to the TelCo list serve regarding Cookbook 

7. WP next steps: ICIN

  • ACTION20100909-02: Jonas to ping Mario to see if there are contributions to OMA AND OIPT
  •  - Mario was going to WP Presentation is in the Programme. Everything is on track.
  • Next important date: 30th of September we have to submit the final presentation slides.
  • Discussion on possible pre-submission in order to allow for internal reviews and improvements
8. KI Fall Meeting

Registration is open - please register here: [ |]. Kind reminder for early-bird registration. No recent updates on the part of KI. Upcoming task for the next teleconferences includes the break down of the agenda items for the Kantara fall member meeting.

Early bird registration would be until September 17, 2010

You can review the agenda here: [ Initiative Conferences|]

h5. 9. Next Teleconference

September 9, 2010 - 08:00 PDT | 11:00 EDT | 15:00 UTC/GMT | 17:00 CEST (_[Time Chart|]_)

10. AOB

Mario's focal point of work is going to shift. Check of current WG-related action points which might possibly re-allocated inside of the group.

11. Meeting Adjourned.
Next Telecon
  • Date: Thursday, September 9, 2010
  • Time: 08:00 PDT | 11:00 EDT | 15:00 UTC/GMT | 17:00 CEST (_[Time Chart|]_)
  • Dial-In: Skype: +9900827044630912, US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
  • Room Code: 4630912