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This document is a product of the XXX Work Group. It records FI Work Group, but strongly related to the IAWG as well. It defines the scope for the scenarios and use cases governing the development of XXX and guiding associated implementations and deploymentsof Identity Federations.





Generating a change history automatically is handy because it's hard to capture the link to a saved revision and then put the link at the top of the document (making yet another revision!). But if the change history gets too long, you might want to delete it, make occasional PDF snapshots and attach them to this page, then link from this Status section to a short list of each new snapshot.

This document is currently under active development. Its latest version can always be found here. See the GI:Change History at the end of this document for its revision number.




John Doe
Jane Doe


Intellectual Property Notice


The XXX Work Group operates under Option ABC and the publication of this document is governed by the policies outlined in this option.

Table of Contents


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Table of Contents

Introduction and Instructions

This document is a product of the XXX Work Group. It records the scenarios and use cases governing the development of XXX and guiding associated implementations and deployments.

Please use the GI:scenario template near the end of this document in adding new scenarios and subordinate use cases. Change the status keyword in each scenario and use case title as appropriate, linking to the meeting minutes page explaining the status change:

  • Pending: Initial status when first submitted
  • Accepted: Needs to be accounted for in UMA V1 and/or its associated compliant implementations
  • Deferred: Relevant to the problem space; may be considered in future versions
  • Rejected: Out of scope

Edit the descriptions of technical issues and scope questions to reflect (or point to) group decisions about how to handle them.


Submitted by: participant-name

(Provide description of the scenario with all nontechnical particulars, noting requirements, constraints, and other observations. Avoid diagrams if they're technical. Sample user experience drawings could be useful.)

Use Case: unique-title (Pending)

Submitted by: participant-name

(Provide description of a use case matching this scenario with all technical particulars, such as the topological configuration of protocol endpoint entities, listings and assessments of technical issues, and anything else helpful.)

Issue: unique-title

(Provide technical commentary on the issues brought up by this use case.)


Rainer H