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Kantara eGov Working Group Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: 2, August, 2010
  • Time: 13:00 PDT | 16:00 EDT | 22:00 CET | 08:00 NZ (3rd August)




1) Roll call for Quorum determination
2) Review and approve June 28 meeting draft minutes (June 28 attendees)
3) Post Implementation Review - What worked, what didn't - eGov Implementation Profile v2.0 of SAML 2.0 (all)
4) Liaison Report:OASIS eGov Member Section (CW/BS)
5) Update: Await IOP WG release of eGov Implementation Profile Test Plan (JB)
6) LC and BoT updates (Incl. Assurance Review Board, Interop Review Board) (CW)
7) Scoping the next work item: Template for eGov Deployment Profiles of SAML v2.0 (All)
8) Agenda/dial in planning: Kantara F2F Paris 19-21 October
9) Events Update:


OASIS/World Bank ID Mgt Conference

OASIS/Belgian Govt Green IT for Green Policy 

Kantara European Face to Face meeting:

10) eGov WG Membership status: Increasing all the time but more Government/Federal/State employees needed! Can you help?

11) AOB..(please Reply All by return, to the list)

Meeting Minutes

Next Meeting: tbc but probably ...

  • Date: Monday, September 6, 2010
  • Time: 13:00 PDT | 16:00 EDT | 22:00 CET (08:00 Tues 3rd NZ) (Time Chart)
  • Dial-In: US: +1 201 793 9022, Skype: + 9900827044630912
  • Code:


Wiki Markup
\**\**\* Draft Minutes to be approved September 6, 2010 **\**\*

h1. Kantara eGov Working Group Teleconference

h3. Date and Time

* *Date:* 2, August, 2010
* *Time:* 13:00 PDT \| 16:00 EDT \| 22:00 CET \| 08:00 NZ (3rd August)

h3. Attendees

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Colin Wallis

Fullup Ar Foll

John Bradley

Scott Cantor

Shin Adachi

Sverre Bauck

Victor Ake