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**Non Quorate call - may be read into next call's Minutes on February 7th 2011**

Kantara eGov Working Group Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: 10 January 2011
  • Time: 10:00 PDT | 13:00 EDT | 19:00 CET | 07:00 NZ (11th January)



Shin Adachi, NTT

Fulup Ar Foll, Oracle

Bob Sunday, Federal Govt of Canada

Keith Uber, Ubisecure Solutions, Finland

Sal D'Agostino, IDMachine

Colin Wallis, Internal Affairs Dept, NZ Govt

Sal D'Agostino, IDMachines LLC


Sal D'Agostino*,*Bill Braithwaite, Anakam

Patricia Wiebe, Province of BC, Canada

Rainer Hoerbe, Kismed Health Porf Services GmbH


Joni Brennan

Anna Ticktin


Keith Uber


Thomas Grundel, IT Crew, Denmark

Agenda   ******** to do to do copy/paste ********

1) Roll call for Quorum determination
2) eGov Membership Status. New member intros (CW)
3) Review and approve October 4 meeting draft minutes (Oct 4 attendees) and Review and approve October 21 F2F Paris meeting draft minutes (Paris December 6 meeting notes (attendees)
4) Read in November 1st meeting Notes [A]
5) Work Item 1: CA and FI piloting Template for eGov Deployment Profiles of SAML v2.0 in Q1 2011(Bobs and Keith) 
6) Continue discussion on option of Work Item 2: eGov Deployment model and cookbook (join with Telco ID WG to do?) Fulup to present?? [B]
7) Continue Discussion on option of Work Item 2: Attribute Exchange ToC? incl. debrief of Rainer's presentation last week. (All) [C]
8) Decide on Call date for January: Monday Jan 10th proposed
9) LC and BoT updates (Incl. Assurance Review Board, Interop Review Board, IOP WG) (CW/JB)
10) Liaison: OASIS eGov Member Section: Upcoming Government Transformation workshop and TC (CW)
11) AOB




Meeting Notes

1) Roll call for Quorum determination

7 8 out of 13 14 needed for Quorum. Quorum not reached.

2) eGov Membership Status. New member intros (CW)

Welcome to LaChelle LeVan on the first No new members since last call

3) Review and approve October 4 meeting draft minutes (Oct 4 attendees) and Review and approve October 21 F2F Paris meeting draft minutes (Paris December 6 meeting draft notes (attendees)

No quorum so could not approve. Colin will circulate and obtain vote to accept (or not) by email

4) Read in November 1st meeting Notes [A]

No quorum so carried over

5) Work Item 1: Discuss CA eGov Deployment Profile (CA and FI piloting Template for eGov Deployment Profiles of SAML v2.0 in Q1 2011(Bobs and KeithBob

Revisit of rationale for Deployment Profiles: Comment on the current SAML 2.0 interop conformance Implementation Profile was that for deployment purposes it is a bit too little on detail perhaps caused by the scope attempted being a bit too broad? OK for software vendor implementations, but does not cater for specifics of deployers. Fed Canada expects to release its Deployment profile using the agreed draft template next month. Finland has already used the Draft template (was partially populated with Canada requirements) and will report back later in 2011.

6) Continue discussion on option of Work Item 2: Bob asks for a review of the test plan (both ofr IdP and RP) before the next test round as he thinks we are not testing necessarily the right things which is reducing the value of testing for deployers.  eGov 2.0 is very wide - who will procure based on that? Bob responds to a question  about the use of PKI rather than meta data saying that this CA eGov Deployment profile is an inetrnal one. There could be external focussed profiles for federation in future which might well use meta data.   Keith describes the Finnish profile soon to be released that it is 2 federations linked, but all 3 systems described.  Keith says that Ubisecure plans to test in the next test round. Rainer mentiosnthe Austrian PoC which is on track to deploy in late January based on eGov v1.5 with MSFT and CA involved.

5) Work Item 2: Next steps for input into eGov Deployment model and cookbook (join with Telco ID WG to do?) Fulup to present?? [B]

Fulup joined the call to talk to the presentation "Massively Scalable IDP Architecture" from the Kantara TelcoID WG. The WG has a timeframe of 36-48 months to complete this as it is a huge job - multi device, multi channel, multi service with 'access rules' such as user stipulating "only use my phone to contact me in the first 2 days and in a break glass situation - all else, use email". Design goals similar to TAS3 but use a back channel for some actions, not via the user/browser every time. More a 'Identity Centric Internet'. And differentiate between secure and non secure services, rather than Authn to cover the weakest link. (slide 6) Design in privacy and choice as well as legal interception. Slide 7) Looking to develop architecture patterns for folks to implement,as a reference implementation. Conformance and certification will be important. (Slide 10) Session Mgt is a key consideration. Call to action to to ask eGov to contribute Uses Cases (additional work Item for 2011?) multi-device, multi-jurisdictional, and any key metrics/SLAs that need to be adhered to.

7) Continue Discussion on option of Work Item 2: Attribute Exchange ToC? incl. debrief of Rainer's presentation last week. (All) [C]

It was noted that the UMA WG has done some work in this area, which could help inform a ToC item. Note that notes from Rainer's presentation on Austria's experience with Attribute Exchange are already published [C] linked below.  Comment that much of the work pre-dates SAML 2 specs and (especially the new draft specs like Metadata exchange) would offer a more straight forward solution to the challenges, but by no means the whole answer.:

8) Decide on Call date for January: Monday Jan 10th proposed.

Due to lack of quorum, Colin/Anna will take to the list

9Provide eGov use cases?

Discussion on potential uses cases leading to requirements. Timeout in SLO is raised as an example of a problem making SLO hard to deploy (but maybe this should go tot he OASIS TC first, before going to Telco ID WG?). Fulup suggests that the deployment model must answer the question of what deployers should do when (taking the example of Timeout in SLO) one of the components does not perform to the SLA.  Fulup says Cross Border uses cases would be a welcomed from eGov. Rainer has some ideas.

Action 2011-01-10-01: Rainer and Fulup agree to call/email off list to progress.

6) Work Item 3?: Attribute Exchange ToC? Attributes WG? (All)

John Bradley not on the call but Joni is aware of a draft charter in progress for Attribute Assurance.

Someone mentions the NIE (Natioanl Identity Exchange) in the ?US which has many identity (authz and well as authn-related?) attributes already forrmatted. Keith mentions that the Finnish attribnute exchenage and SAML deployment is near ready and able to be presented.

Action 2011-01-10-02: Colin/Staff to find a day late January for Keith the present the work

7) LC and BoT updates (Incl. Assurance Review Board, Interop Review Board, IOP WG) (CW/JB)

BoT: Reported that provisional budget struck, that WG projects will be funded from reserves. Discussion on raising membership dues and how to deal with confidentiality asked by external organisations when KI asked to comment. LC: New leadership: 'Our own' John Bradley as Chair, Pete Palmer (Healthcare ID WG) Vice Chair, Eve Maler Secretary.

10Colin very quickly summarised progress. The BoT was close to voting on the special 'sub commitees that would be set up to allow review of confidential external documents. BoT also voting to increase the BoT numbers by two. The LC is still working through budget issues with care as all project budget $ come by spending down reserves, not form income.

8) Liaison: OASIS eGov Member Section: Upcoming Government Transformation workshop and TC Elections (CW)

11) AOB




Next Meeting: tbc but probably

9) Events update: Rainer and Sal indicated they plan to be at the Identity Collaboration Day, Feb 14th.

10) AOB

Next Monthly Meeting: tbc but look out for the special meeting to present the Finland work late January!!!!! ...

  • Date: Monday, January 10Februray 7, 2011
  • Time: 10:00 PDT | 13:00 EDT | 19:00 CET | 07:00 NZ (11th)
  • Dial-In: US: +1 201 793 9022, Skype: + 9900827044630912
  • Code:

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