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TimeItemWhoPresentation Link SlidesNotes
30minPresentation on the Consent TagMark Lizar
  • Opened with the question: what is Open Notice?
    • Joe Andrieu presented a version of the Open Notice in (found posted in the Schema Sandbox on the wiki) that . This version of Open Notice was not consent specific. Rather for each web page was not consent specific and used for each web page. In this context a consent receipt would be a specific instance of an Open Notice,
    • In this context the Consent Receipt is a
  • Mark talked about Discovery/Publishing of the consent receipt. 
  • Various notice discovery options presented
    • The provision of a consent receipt at the point of consent is the primary way of discovery for the consent tag.
      • Wether this works for all open notices is up for debate, in fact a publishing methods of consent tags can themselves be used to open the notice of the website, and be published with the various discovery options presented in the presentation
  • Consent tag is required infrastructure that is missing and needed for compliance to solve many issues regulators have - illustrated EU law and talked about NSTIC - US Gov - Hypothesis for Discovery is that Adoption will be required with new EU laws. Discovery will be at the point of consent.

30 MinPresentation on Common TermsPar Lannero

  • Par presented on Common Terms, illustrating how signs are very important and used to summarise and make useful policy.
  • Illustrated a concentrated study of common elements of policy and broke these down to an easy category
  • Developed a process for companies to go through to link policy to these categories


30 MinPresentation on Notice From Data Controllers RegisterReuben Bins 
  • Presented his research on purpose in data protection
  • collected data base of data protection registrations and listed purposes by type
  • Illustrated a dynamic diagram for
  • Interesting to see what is used for purpose now and how relevant (or not) it is to current environment of consent online
30 MinPresentation - Usable Privacy ProjectNorma SadehRemote VideoParticipation


  • Work comes from privcy preference modelling, location sharing privacy prefs, mobile app for privacy prefs,

people care about limited number of issues - small clusters who have like-minded preferences.

  • Work includes 
    • personalising disclores
    • nutrition labels, icons, etc.
    • NLP and machine-learning
    • Parsing and statistical linguistic analysis techniques - to auto extract features of policies. Not to fully automate, (impossible) but to speed up what can be accomplished with crowd-sourcing. The ability to identify a small number of silences.
    • E.g. privacychoice. Go beyond keywords.
      • Amazon mechanical turk - to get quality annotations.
    • Identify pertinent fragments of texts - extract answers.
    • Formal methods side - build on what extracted from policies. formal models of privacy policies
    • Joel Reidenberg working on the legal side, with aleecia mcdonald, lorrie cranor.
    • Updating the sweeping techniques. GPEN sweep.
    • Joel Reidneberg - ask about the raw data from GPEN.

Playing with different ways of asking questions to users. Presentations.

funded by the national science foundation (US)

  • grouping and packaging privacy preferences
    • done a lot of work in nutrition labels
    • privacy icons
  • Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning
