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Kantara Initiative Health Identity Assurance WG Teleconference

Table of Contents


TEMPLATE DRAFT Meeting Minutes 2013 September 1226

Date and Time

Date: Thursday, 12 26 September 2013 
Time: 10:00 PT | 12:00 CT | 13:00 ET
Dial in: TurboBridge Conferencing

Health Identity Assurance Working Group Home Page

HIAWG Wiki Home


  1. Administration:
    1. Roll Call
    2. Agenda Confirmation
    3. Meeting Minutes Approval: DRAFT Meeting Minutes 2013-08-29
    4. Organization updates - Director's Corner
      1. HIAWG Secretary role
    5. Upcoming Events page:
      1. Call for Healthcare-related Events and Conferences that members plan to attend
    6. Report out from latest LC meeting
    7. Action Item Review
  2. Discussion
    1. Call for HIAWG Charter Refresh
      1. WG Charter update & suggestions to start the discussion - ***Discussion DRAFT *** Refreshed HIAWG Charter
    2. Confirmation of deliverable topic for feasibility study (i.e, analysis of ID accreditation programs in healthcare) ; confirmation of Lead; call for volunteersContinuation of the discussion on the Feasibility Study work - status and direction from the HIAWG group
  3. AOB
  4. Adjourn


Participant Roster


As of July 23, 2013, quorum is 6 out of 10 voting participants.


Quorum was achieved | not achieved


  • Bill Braithwaite


Minutes Approval

IAWG DRAFT Meeting Minutes 2013-0908-529

Motion to approve minutes of 2013/0908/0529
Motion Passed | Passed with amendments | Defeated

Organization updates

Director's Corner

Call for Events and Conferences that members plan to attend. 


Call for HIAWG Charter Review

Kantara Portland retreat in August 2013 created plans to sharpen focus for Kantara WGs. Review and update of existing WG charters was requested, due September 25 for review by LC.


"Kantara exists to develop and/or operate rules for operators of online services, enabling verification of  the trust layer providing high-value, privacy-preserving identity and access."



26 September 2013


Discussion 29 August 2013
  • The 'why' statement was developed out of the Kantara Strategic Summit last month
  • Look for deliverables around where HIAWG can add value in the market
  • e.g. the DirectTrust MOU - mapping SAC and DTAAP; recommendations for updates on both sides; are there more Healthcare items needed
  • Joni looking for a Tiger Team to form to work on the MOU engagement
  • What audiences should be looking to HIAWG for material?
    • IdPs find that they have to "get certified" under many different schemes
      • How does an IDP conform to each scheme - it costs a significant amount of money and time
      • Would it be possible to map between Direct Trust CP (includes Healthcare requirements) and Federally certified CP & have the IDP gain additional verification of the uncovered bits?
      • Would like to minimize the amount of overlapping and redundant assessment/certification?
    • Direct Trust agrees
      • This is the perfect time for this
      • Having good conversations with Federal agencies currently
    • Identity Verifiers will also consume information from IAWG
      • Should reach out to candidate Identity Verifiers and request their participation
    • UMA WG
      • They are working on the Authorization end of the spectrum
      • UMA is looking at Consent topics now - should be a good synergy there
    • Terry Gold's organization is doing a wide and deep research project on Payers and Providers in Healthcare.
      • Looking to Kantara's work
      • Looking for collaborative discussions to seek information for the research
    • Medical Identity Fraud Alliance: new group just formed - should reach out to see if there is commonality
      • BlueCross/BlueShield, AARP are members plus others
    • Patient Privacy Rights - there doesn't seem to be funding for the Consumer Protection & Privacy aspects in this space (IDESG Excepted)
      • This is a challenge to secure funds in general for this topic
  • Ensure that group is not overloaded
    • Also make sure the demand is articulated well so that the opportunity exists for people to make time available
  • ACTION: A. Hughes Will seek ideas via Listserv for Charter material
HIAWG Deliverable


26 September 2013


Discussion 29 August 2013

First Deliverable proposed: "Analysis of the feasibility of using a single comprehensive or several overlapping Accreditation Schemes for certification of Identity Proofing & Verification and Credential Management Service Providers."


  • Most IDPV processes are not based on effectiveness evidence - some evidence that the mechanisms (e.g. birth cert, picture ID) used to identify people are actually working as intended, with indications of failure rates
    • Kantara has a NASPO liaison - HIAWG should leverage this
    • If HIAWG does not have the required expertise, we should seek out and engage them
  • Lead Editor: Pete Palmer nominates Terry Gold - need to discuss scope and effort level first
  • Contributors: Pete Palmer, Rich Furr (provisional), Bill Braithwaite, David Kibbe
  • Call for potential content for the study
  • Consumers: Kantara Board of Trustees; Kantara Assurance Review Board; Verizon; 
    • Potentials: end-user stakeholder 
  • Approach: Identify parties that should be impacted and get them to actively provide guidance -> Deliverable steering group
  • Timeline: sooner rather than later (Stage2 begins next year)
  • Drivers: Meaningful Use schedule
    • The Vendors serving providers - all complain that the cost of identity verification methods cost too much
    • Physician Groups and Hospital Groups should be interested
    • Meaningful use is mandatory as of next year
  • The Providers are not really concerned about identity verification today
    • it is really a Payer problem and concern
    • if they spend $$ how much improvement and cost effectiveness will they get
    • This is a consistent theme
  • ACTION: Pete Palmer to discuss lead role with Terry Gold - Lead will convene working meetings as needed.


Action Items

Item #DescriptionAssigned toEst. CompletionStatus

Solicit additional content for HIAWG charter

  • 2013-09-25: No additional content submitted
A. Hughes5 September 2013NewCOMPLETE

Determine Lead Editor for Feasibility Study deliverables

  • 2013-09-01: Terry Gold has agreed to lead the team
P. Palmer5 September 2013NewCOMPLETE




Next Meeting

DateThursday, 19 September 10 October 2013 
Time: 10:00 PT | 12:00 CT | 13:00 ET
Dial in: TurboBridge Conferencing