or derived material, along with the commentary similar to the Kantara response of 8 December 2009 to the Open Identity Framework Joint Steering Committee (OIF JSC), would greatly enhance the distribution and communication of the document set for broader adoption. In particular, the hierarchical nature of the document set is described very well in the response to OIF JSC, and the various documents comprising the primary base reference set and the secondary set, and their purpose, relative to Assessors and Providers, is discussed. We believe that a clearer explanation of the document set in a more self-consistent manner would aid in the readability and communication of the document set, and would help to define a structure similar to an ISO/IEC multi-part standard or the like (e.g., ISO/IEC 15408, Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation). Furthermore, we believe that such an explanation of the segregation of responsibilities, as defined by the complete document set would help readers and implementers to understand the various responsibilities and accountability within the Accreditation process - for example, it is not clear that the Assurance Assessment Scheme should be part of the primary base reference document set, but instead could potentially be in the secondary document set, and/or administered outside of the IAWG.
Discussion: It seems like a description of the document would help something in addition to the overview. We could include the graphical representation here. It a comment around describing the document set. It's a helpful change but not substantive. OIF JSC content is suggested as a good start.