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  • Roll call
  • Minutes approval
  • Binding Obligations ad hoc report/review
  • Personal discovery discussion/next steps
  • Webinar planning and advertising: webinar is May 14 during usual telecon time!
  • AOB


MOTION: Approve the minutes of UMA telecon 2015-04-16. APPROVED by unanimous consent.


  1. Eve
  2. Chris Shawn - works for US VA in healthcare security and compliance requirements
  3. Andi
  4. Mike S
  5. Domenico
  6. Maciej
  7. Ishan
  8. Sal
  9. Jin

Non-voting participants:

  • Rene Mulder - IAM architect in NL - also in IRM WG
  • Colin
  • Zhanna
  • Jin
  • Marcelo
  • George
  • Adrian
