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This is the description of the protocol flow I use in my prototype at

General notes

  • Instead of XRD I use a slightly modified variant of JRD as it is simpler to parse.
  • The Host contains three resources of Bob: a basic, a medium and a detailed profile.
  • The only access conditition right now is a check on the username the requesting party provides at the AM. This could be an OpenID login in a real world scenario.
  • many things are just inventions of my own where I thought it might work that way. These need discussion and proper specification.

Step 1: Introduction of Host to the AM


We see various endpoints here:

The Host stores all these endpoints for later usage.


Now the AM knows about the resources of the Host and the Host has a client_id which can be used in an OAuth 2.0 web server flow.

1.3: Host obtains an Access Token of the AM via an OAuth 2.0 Web Server Flow

The Host initiates an OAuth 2.0 Web Server Flow with the client_id it got to the http://uma/host/user_uri endpoint from the AM hostmeta. The user (Bob) will be redirected there and the AM will then let Bob configure his resources (which are known because of the client_id). This is not in the scope of the specification though. In our example Bob can configure a username per resource which will then later be allowed to access it.

The user will then be redirected to the Host with an OAuth code parameter which the Host will then exchange for an access token via the http://uma/host/token_uri endpoint it knows from the AM hostmeta.

After that the initialization flow is finished and the Host has an Access Token (we call it Host Access Token) from the Authorization Manager to be used later in step 3.

Step 2: Requester obtains an access token to access the protected resource

Now Mary on the Requester wants to access Bob's resources. To do that properly the Requester needs a Requester Access Token from the AM which it can send to the Host.

2.1: Requester tries to access protected resource and obtains the location of the AM

In order for the Requester to ask the AM for an Access Token it needs to know which AM to use. To find that out it will send a request to the protected resource (e.g. As no access token is provided, the Host will answer with

Code Block

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: user_uri=,token_uri=

This is probably not valid OAuth and this probably needs discussion. The two URIs are known once again from the AM's hostmeta file (the resource endpoints) which the Host assigned on behalf of Bob to these resource URIs in step 1.

Now the Requester knows the OAuth endpoints of the AM and can start an OAuth flow to obtain the access token.

2.2: Requester start UMA OAuth flow to obtain an access token

The OAuth flow being used is a little different from the normal OAuth 2.0 Web Server Flow but very similar. The main difference is that the client_id is optional (because the Requester hasn't registered yet with the AM. This needs discussion though) and because it can provide a callback parameter.

The Requester crafts a redirect of Mary to the AM with the following parameters:


This is uma_web_server


This contains the resource uri the Requester wants to access. This apparently needs discussion.


The normal OAuth redirect_uri parameter.


In some cases the access to the resource is not granted directly maybe because the resource owner first needs to be asked by SMS or email. In such cases the OAuth flow redirects back to the Requester with a code but the code is not yet valid and will return some error indicating that the access is still pending. The Requester might poll in such cases or provide this callback URI to which the AM will then send the access token once it has been granted (or an error if access was denied).

This hasn't been implemented in this case though and thus it's here only for discussion.

The request

All of these parameters (plus the other optional OAuth web server flow parameters) are then crafted into the user_uri obtained in 2.1 and then the user is redirect to the AM.

2.3: AM checks if access is being granted

Many methods are possible here and UMA will provide some (optional) claims mechanism in it's spec. There are many things the AM can check itself though, e.g. it could let the requesting party log in via OpenID to obtain it's identity and then check with configuration the resource owner did in Step 1. Or it could simply ask the resource owner via SMS or E-Mail as explained above.

The prototype simply asks for a username and if this matches the username Bob configured earlier for this resource, then access is granted. Otherwise it is not.

The AM will thus simply return the normal OAuth flow without using any callbacks and such and the Requester will then try to exchange the code with an access token which either works or not.

The Requester will then have a Requester Access Token from the AM which it can use to access the resource on the Host.

Step 3: Requester accesses the protected resource

In the last step the Requester accesses the protected resource by taking it's resource_uri and adding ?oauth_token=<requester access token> to it.

In this prototype the only check is whether an access token is present or not but in a complete example the following would happen in order to check if the access token is valid or not:

#. The Host receives the Requester Access Token via the call
#. The Host contacts the AM with it's own Host Access Token and asks whether the Requester Access Token is valid
#. The AM checks it's database and answers yes or no.
#. The Host either grants access or not depending on the answer (and it's own checks maybe).

This is not implemented in the prototype though and you might refer to the SMART implementation to learn more about ideas on how to implement claims and such.

Further reading