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These DRAFT Minutes have not yet been APPROVED Minutes were APPROVED by the IAWG during the 7/26 meeting.



Myisha Frazier McElveen

Scott Shorter


  • Comments have been received. IP Claims are not necessary in this document. 
  • Discussion around - Defined Set of Criteria (SoC)

Action Item

Assigned To





Needs Champion!


Colin Soutar

Richard Wilsher

Helen Hill


Andrew Hughes


  • The joint meeting registration will be launched within the next week.  August 6 for leaderships only.  Aug 7-8 open for all participants.  Space will be limited.

8. AOB
- Update from Rich Furr and Joni on developing a charter based on the Four Bridges Forum

  • Joni has received the charter example from Rich and will work to create a new draft version for Trust Framework Provider consideration.

- Continued discussion on 6/4/12 EU Draft Regulation

  • On the 4th of April EU published Draft Regulation for comments.  Focused on digital signature and eID.  Suggest Kantara simply be mindful of these developments.

Action Item

Assigned To







Joni to communicate significance and availability of April 4 EU Draft Regulation for awareness to group.


20120705-04PatrickOpenPatrick to send link to EU Draft Regulation to list for IAWG review. 

9. Action Item Review


IAWG identify potential component services with in Ken Dagg


Staff: Joni Brennan, Pat Roder


a) Roll Call –   Quorum was achieved since there were 5 voting members out of 9 on the call.

b) Motion for Minutes:  Richard moved to approve the Meeting Minutes from 7/5/12 and the motion was seconded by Helen.

c) Agenda confirmation: Agenda confirmed.

2.        KAR

IAF 3310: Myisha suggested that, prior to voting to approve KAR v0.4, it be submitted to the ARB for their review and approval. Richard suggested   that since there was quorum on the call, a vote be taken and motioned to vote on approving IAF 3310-v0.4 as an IAWG Report 3310-v1.0. Colin seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken of the voting members with the following results: Myisha – objecting with Richard, Colin, Helen and Scott approving. The motion was carried by simple majority.

Defined Set of Criteria (SoC): There was an action taken at the last meeting for the IAWG to identify potential component   services within the end to end process and identify guidance as to which criteria which criteria should be nominally be assigned for each component (ID Proofing and   Credential Management). Which could be included in the stack as a separate report for guidance or possibly as an Annex to the SACs.


2. possible vote on adoption of document

Action Item

Assigned To





Voting Members


Voting members to review IAF 3310-v0.4 as latest version with motion sought on next IAWG call to formalize as version 1.0.  Be prepared to vote on this document at the next meeting.


5. Roadmap
- Update from Ken, Colin, Andrew and David on pseudonymous approach subteam effort
(report to be given on 7/12 )

  • The adhoc subteam is meeting today and believes they are on track to produce a report back to the IAWG for 7/12 call which would capture proposal for next steps.

6. Outreach
- Continue developing list of end-user communities who may leverage Kantara Identity Assurance Program
- Update from Colin on IAF Value Proposition

  • Comments received to date and resolution
  • Possible vote to change status of Value Proposition paper to WG Report


Rich proposed a matrix approach with the   criteria being given on the horizontal axis and the services on the vertical   axis. He cautioned that some criteria exist at one level of assurance and not   others and that there may be about 150 criteria. He suggested using the breakdown   of services given in tscheme as a guide. He raised several questions concerning how to determine which services are suitable for inclusion in the matrix, how can it be decided what criteria apply to each service, and what criteria is required vs recommended.

Andrew stated that the work the pseudonymous team is doing ties into this discussion. Ken suggested that the first draft   of the matrix be sent to assessors for review and comment. It was later agreed that service providers should be provided the matrix for input. To   separate this item from the KAR, it was agreed to move it to the pseudonymous approach workstream.

Action   Item 20120712-01: Richard to   provide the labels used in tscheme to Andrew for incorporation into the pseudonymous approach paper.


Andrew   provided an update on the subteam’s effort to develop a draft which describes the pseudonymous approach. The team is currently working on drafting a 2 page paper which addresses the value of separating credentials. The plan is to send it to the IAWG for endorsement so that it could be completed in time for the August Face to Face meetings.

4.        OUTREACH

Prior to the call, Colin sent the group a draft of   the value proposition paper (   The group agreed to provide comments to Colin by close of business Monday,   7/16/12, so that he can incorporate the comments and send it back to the group for their review prior to the next call on 7/19/12. The plan is to hold a vote on that call to approve the paper as a Working Group Report.

Action Item 20120712-02: IAWG members to provide comments to Colin on the value proposition paper by COB Monday, 7/16/12.

5.        EVENTS

Joni   reminded the group that registration is now open for the Joint Meeting which   will be held August 6-8 in Washington, DC. ( Space is limited so members are encouraged to register soon.

The Cloud Identity Summit ( will be held next week.   A board of trustees meeting will be held on Tuesday evening separate from the conference and a possible ad-hoc meeting may be held on Friday morning after   the conference.

Joni also indicated that a Kantara Workshop is being   planned on 11/27/12 in the Washington, DC area and that more information will be available in the coming months.

6.        AOB

Four Bridges Forum: Joni has received the   charter example form Rich and is working to create a new draft version for   Trust Framework Provider consideration.

 6/4/12 EU Draft Regulation: Members have not yet received the link to the   Draft Regulation. Joni and Pat to locate it and send it to the group.

7.        ACTION ITEMS

All open action items were addressed on the call with the new  items noted.

8.      Adjourn:

The meeting ended at 7:55 am PDT.