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Alec Laws (LC Chair)

UMA WG2ndSteve Venema
ANCR WG1stRegrets
ANCR WG2ndMark Lizar

jim pasquale (LC Vice Chair)


ISI WG2ndAndrew Hughes Y
IA WG1stAndrew Hughes Y
IA WG2nd

Denny Prvu

FI WG1st

FI WG2nd

Staff and Guests
Kantara-Kay ChopardY

Karyn BrightY

Kimberly Miller

Shay BergerY

NOTE: As of December 2021 calculation of quorum is based on 8 Work Groups.

Date & Time

Agenda and Meeting Notes

Proposed Agenda:

  • Roll Call & Quorum
  • Meeting Notes - Review & Comments
  • Executive Director Report (Kay)
  • Board Updates (Alec)
  • 2nd Board Rep from LC (Alec)
  • IAWG updates to the IAF-1440 (Andrew)
    • Plan to vote on the call (Alec will check the SOP)
  • DEI program survey results (Karyn) - deferred until next month
  • Preparation for Upcoming Conferences (Alec)
    • 10 mins of content (5 slide limit)
    • 2 mins of content (2 slide limit)
    • EIC May 9, Berlin - 5-7minute version
    • Identiverse May 30, Las Vegas - 2min version
    • Identity Week EU, Jun 13-14, Amsterdam
    • IIW  Apr 18-20, Mountain View, CA
  • WG Updates (all)
  • 2023 objectives - open discussion (all)
  • Action Items Review
  • AOB


Desired Outcome
Meeting Administration
Roll Call

IPR Announcement

Agenda Confirmation

Minutes confirmation

Organizational Update
Executive Director and Staff Report

UK certification program is growing, however not as fast as the US program! There are 4 other competing assessors in the UK

There will be Kantara workshops at multiple upcoming conferences. 

LC Chair Report

New Business
Liaison Report

Proposals for new groups

New Groups

Board Update

Board received a financial report from our Accountant, healthy and above targets. 

Discussion around the major areas of Kantara (President + Staff, the Board, the Groups) and how board members would like to contribute to each area

Jim P will fill the 2nd board representative role. Action, Shay will add Jim to the BoD list and calls


WG/DG Updates (Additional)

RIUP, adoptions of mobile devices for underserved populations - the mobile phone is a key issue however one strong way to achieve good identities. Also considering the privacy tradeoffs when devices are issued by the government/healthcare. NIST looking at how mobile devices can bind strongly to an identity: contribute to assurance and mitigate risk. 

PEMC, approved an updated charter! Back to working on the implementation report, the charter reflects an expected timeline, target for q2

IAWG, NIST extended comment deadline for 800-63v4 to Apr 14, the WG continues to read and collect comments for WG discussion. Will produce a Kantara submission, to be circulated to the LC in advance of sending to NIST. If any other WGs have comments, they must share them with IAWG this week

UMA, working towards a UK pension dashboard report highlighting the use of UMA, targets to have a final draft in next two months. 

Note, UK has updated how pensions will be delivered in the recent budget update. We should investigate if UMA can help support those changes via the dashboard initiative 

Long-running Topics
Action Items Review

  • Could we have standing content for each WG? 
    • Each group has one deck (open to viewers), few key editors
    • Karyn could support updates with each chair ~quarterly
    • Expected content: Title of WG/DG, Link to Charter, Completed Work, Work in Progress.
    • Each WG has a 2 slide deck
    • Action Item: Shay will setup a google slides and share with the LC list. Chairs should take a first go at their 2 slides for next LC call
  • Each group will need both a 2min (2slide) and 5-7 (up to 5 slides) versions
    • you may also simply "talk more" to the 2 slide version

Policies & Procedures update

Tips and Tricks

2023 Project Funding

Document repo/Publications Library

Kantara-presence Events






IAWG non-material updates to the IAF-1440

Jim P moves to vote, and Alec seconds. No objections, motion passes!
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Survey

Jordan B has been leading this initiative, the survey results have been collected. There are ~10 people/companies who have volunteered to continue working on this topic. The focus is more on the marketplace, than on company hiring practices

2023 LC Objectives, ideas & discussion
  • Jim & Kay have been following the notice and consent work of Open Knowledge Network 
    • should the LC have "task forces" to create a baseline understanding in order to share with other groups
    • do we need a "better" way to share information from LC to all groups, and collect interest in topics from individual group members?
    • can we help members find other interest areas within Kantara? or drive Kantara group liaison opportunities?
  • Develop a value proposition doc/deck for LC+WGs (community side of Kantara), why it's valuable for you + your career (+ your company)

Events with Kantara presence




Call for Speakers


** Not listed on Kantara site yet
