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Vision and Mission



Alec Laws (LC Chair)

UMA WG2ndSteve Venema
ANCR WG2ndMark Lizar

jim pasquale (LC Vice Chair)


ISI WG2ndAndrew Hughes Y
IA WG1stAndrew Hughes Y
IA WG2nd

Denny Prvu

FI WG1st

FI WG2nd

Board Rep
Mike Engle
Board Rep
Eric ThompsonY
Staff and Guests
Kantara-Kay ChopardY

Karyn Bright

Kimberly Miller

Andrew JohnstonY

NOTE: As of May 2022 calculation of quorum is based on 7 Work Groups and 1 Board Vot


  • Roll Call & Quorum
  • Meeting Notes - Review & Comments
  • Executive Director Report (Kay)
  • Board Updates (Alec)
  • Conferences (Alec)
    • EIC Debrief
    • Identiverse preparation 
  • WG Updates (all)
  • New DG proposal: Deep Fakes impact on Identity Verification Services
  • Discuss and plan for inactive groups (HIAWG, FIRE, FI)

  • Marketing 1-pager, outline discussion & creation
  • Action Items Review
  • AOB


Desired Outcome
Meeting Administration
Roll Call

IPR Announcement

Agenda Confirmation

Minutes confirmation

Organizational Update
Executive Director and Staff Report

Attended EIC last week, thanks to all the LC chairs who were able to join and present. Was seamless in-person despite the remote attendance. There are recordings of the pre-conference workshops available on the KuppingerCole website
There was some competition for attendees during the pre-conference workshop. Are there some ways we can better attract people to our session?
Spoke with some other non-profits that are having trouble retaining members, in contrast, Kantana is in a healthy financial position with not a lot of member attrition 

LC Chair Report

New Business
Liaison Report

Proposals for new groups

New Groups

Board Update

Major topic last call was the election/assignment of board positions and VPs, including decisions around two Board Reps to the LC: Eric Thompson and Mike Engle! 

Expect to have more yearly structure around standard VPs, committees and director positions/responsibilities. 

The DEIA has been setup as a Board Subcommittee and has continued to meet on Mondays

The financial report was health


WG/DG Updates (Additional)
  • ANCR - Advanced Notice and Consent Receipt
  • IAWG – Identity Assurance 
    • recovery mode after completion and submission of comments to Kantara 800-63r4
    • Looking to supply comments to NIST public roadmap, ensure they include industry voice
    • US Health & TEFCA, various groups have been set up to make this real. CARIN has been looking into how to setup federated search for patient records by the patient. 
      • Kantara & CARIN has been in liaison, e.g. to promote Kantara's assurance program 
      • Performing a gap analytic between CARIN policy and existing assurance reqs, identifying any missing criteria and exploring the creation of an additional trust mark to reach those CARIN/TEFCA requirements for identity assurance
    • Have some ideas about splitting IAWG into two groups, to resolve this year. Too much to do and not enough time!
      1. Designated owner of the Kantara assurance schema (SAC) - IAWG has been the 'de-facto' owner of this 
      2. Looking outwards, what are other groups or schemes in the market
  • UMA
    • Steve V presented the UMA 101 Session at last IIW
    • Have been working towards a UMA + UK Pensions Dashboard Report, close to a first draft
    • Could the UMA group solicit updates from IETF initiatives, e.g. OAuth 2.1, GNAP, RAR, etc
  • PEMC
    • Draft Implementors Report v2, what it means to provide privacy-enhancing mobile credentials, including specific guidance for different ecosystem roles (e.g. issuer, verifier)
      • a couple of drafting sessions are setup this week, hope for group consensus on the draft by next week! Followed by Kantara Report publication
      • The next steps are creating requirements that supplement the report
    • Presented a session at EIC, kicked-off the privacy track of the conference. 
      • Will have a similar presentation at Identity Week EU
    • Kantara and PEMC were mentioned in this recent article: 
  • RIUP - Resilient Identifiers for Underserved Populations 
    • Looking to change their acronym to REUP 
    • Continuing to speak with these communities to directly get input from these people
    • Have identified the first step as building trust
  • ISI
    • Using ISI and a holding group for NIEM topics and possible new work in ISI/Kantara

Long-running Topics
Action Items Review


Policies & Procedures update

Tips and Tricks

2023 Project Funding

Document repo/Publications Library

Kantara-presence Events

Are there some ways we can better attract people to our session?

  • e.g. other EIC sessions includes 5 person panels every 30mins
    • There are recordings of the pre-conference workshops available on the KuppingerCole website to review for ideas
  • Kantara has a differentiator in a sustainable business model 
  • Could include a section 'How to do business with Kantara' to help companies make the business case internally and find support






New DG proposal: AI/Deep Fakes impact on Identity Verification Services

  • Andrew H is drafting a proposal for this DG, target end of May
  • Many orgs that provide these services are starting work to address these emerging challenges
  • A first call will happen in June to kick this off, pending group approval
  • Please share with your WGs!
  • Objective, produce a report

Marketing 1-pager, outline discussion & creation

Discuss and plan for inactive groups (HIAWG, FIRE, FI)
  • these groups can be still be signed up for via the GPA form
  • HIAWG and FIRE are now REUP
2023 LC Objectives, ideas & discussion

Events with Kantara presence




Call for Speakers


** Not listed on Kantara site yet
