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Vision and Mission



Alec Laws (LC Chair)

UMA WG2ndSteve Venema
ANCR WG2ndMark Lizar

jim pasquale (LC Vice Chair)


ISI WG2ndAndrew Hughes 
IA WG1stAndrew Hughes Y
IA WG2nd

Denny Prvu

FI WG1st

FI WG2nd

Board Rep
Mike Engle
Board Rep
Eric Thompson
Staff and Guests
Kantara-Kay ChopardRegrets

Karyn Bright

Kimberly Miller

GuestsAndrew Johnston

NOTE: As of May 2022 calculation of quorum is based on 7 Work Groups and 1 Board Vot


Desired Outcome
Meeting Administration
Roll Call

IPR Announcement

Agenda Confirmation

Minutes confirmation

Organizational Update
Executive Director and Staff Report
  • Closing out the conference season after attending EIC, Id Week EU and Identiverse
  • This week NYC speaking at a Future Identity Finance conference

LC Chair Report

New Business
Liaison Report

Proposals for new groups

New Groups

Board Update
  • financial report and ensuring there's a
    • contingency, subcommittee to propose how
    • assurance program is paying for itself, discussing how to reinvest any surplus
    • membership/wgs are paying for themselves
  • how to have a better onboarding funnel/process
  • DEIA and ED Updates, KIEF shutdown


WG/DG Updates (Additional)
  • ANCR - Advanced Notice and Consent Receipt
    • Looking to publish the TIPIs
    • Putting together a presentation on the ANCR implementors journey: Transparency Performance Indicators (TPIs) to Notice Records to Controller Credentials to Human Concentric Data Control
    • Summer workshop sessions are starting soon, please reach out to Sal for more information
  • IAWG – Identity Assurance 
    • Submitted group comments to NIST Roadmap
    • Resuming work on updates to SAC 
  • UMA
    • Close to a reviewable draft on UK Pensions Dashboard
    • Discussing how to focus UMA specifications going forward, or how to shift the group topics
    • What is the current market space/opportunity for UMA
  • PEMC
    • I'm working on the Early Implementers Report this week to turn it over to Hannah Sutor - the new technical editor.
  • RIUP - Resilient Identifiers for Underserved Populations 
  • ISI

Long-running Topics
Action Items Review


Policies & Procedures update

Tips and Tricks

2023 Project Funding

Document repo/Publications Library

Kantara-presence Events
  • Identiverse
    • Workshop went really well, had ~200 people in the audience
    • Booth also had steady attendance
    • One of the main questions people left the conference with was about challenges around authorization
      • UMA was mentioned in the closing keynote
    • The opening keynote was focused on the new threat & opportunities of deep fakes and AI






DEIA survey available, 

Please share it with your groups, complete it yourself and share with your customers/clients!

KIEF shutdown

The foundation is being closed down, there's a small amount of money left over that could be spent on a WG initiative 

Funding Opportunities, how would your group use some money

Please think about this topic, and discuss at your groups. Looking to collect a list of ideas so that when money is available we know how your groups could use it to push your charters forward

DG on deep fakes impact on identity verification system

draft charter coming soon to the LC list

Marketing 1-pager, outline discussion & creation

2023 LC Objectives, ideas & discussion
Improve the funnel for a new membership/ Customer Journey

Reviewed how the current website is funnelling people

  • Where do we send people today
  • challenges
    • CTAs are hard to see, often links in text
    • There is confusion between joining Kantara vs a WG
    • Kantara is hard to navigate due to the breadth of offerings
      • However people join for ONE reason and then we expand their engagement
  • What is the flow chart that
    • I want to engage Kantara
      • certification → email secretaitry@kantara 
      • membership → automated form, requires $$ (and likely organizational approval) 
      • WG/DGs → gpa, need to know what group you're interested in
      • I want to know more → doesn't exist, essentially 'contact us'
  • What is a typical flow for a member? 
    • personas:
      • 1 understand the value, ready to join as a member
      • 2 not sure what Kantara is but interested in a WG topic, gpa → join some sessions, then membership later
      • 3 care about the assurance program (either as a provider or consumer), don't need/care about membership... until they learn more about how Kantara works and the assurance program
      • 4 I saw your workshop at a conference / I just heard about Kantara and tell me more (Kantara value prop information)
  • What could we change
    • add a 'learn more'/ simple email entry for mailing list or to be contacted directly 
    • could the main page have clearer call to actions "I want to XYZ" tied to the core personas we see
    • testimonials tied to the main paths, ones from members not 'companies'
  • Next steps:
    • engage VP Member Engagement Mike Engle and prepare a plan
    • Need some new designs or suggestions about what to change
    • then share this conversation with staff, and start working towards a new design (e.g of the kantara landing page)

Events with Kantara presence




Call for Speakers


** Not listed on Kantara site yet
