Versions Compared


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Comment: added notes, clarified, added attendees




  • Introductions
  • Plan of Action
  • Making Instruction

    1. correct format for referencing legislation and specific consent laws

    2. format & context for legal meta data that is added to the spreadsheet.

    3. any other structural considerations that need to be taken into account when developing this legal map.

    4. ensuring quality data is added to the legal map

  • Communications
    • set times to work on it over the next couple of weeks
    • use the irc channel to chat while working
    •  ? 

Discussion Items

Plan of Action
  • Discussing uses
    • uses of exploring
    • use of operations
      • info on practices or assert
  • Data Actions to analyze and create schemas and code for.. 
    • Proposal action
    • Discovery action
    • Data collection action
    • Transfer action
    • Use action
    • Disposal action
    • Memorializing action
      • need historical records
      • for purposes of auditing, enforceability, transparency
      • subset of metadata
    • Auditing action
  • Legal Duties
  • Look for
  • Development Vision
    • a human readable layer
    • machine readable layer
    • legal layer
  • Mediation built
 Data Schema's 
  • context of sensitive personal information for a schmea
  • Mary brings up Swift as a simple version of a Data Schema
    • Banks need a mid-party to memorialise the data transfer
    • SWIFT holds the schemas - open standard
  • Brings up the Email model
    • No middle party – instead system redundancy
    • Open Standard
  • MRSS (Media RSS)
    • Noted as a bad example because every engineer who touched it, changed it.. so very hard to normalize the data
  • Propose our work here on schema as a v.1
  • Security of the Map
    • leave open until hackathon then make read only – except editors and writers
  • Does this work into API - or a privacy a protocol
 The Plan 
  1. Keep to it!
 Feedback mechanism needed for all levels 
  1. Feedback put into all three layeres: Tech, Legal, Machine
  2. Feed Forward (should be looked into) is for filtering for problems
    1. Weighted response comes from asking questions like : How much of that happened> Did the contract get fullfilled
 Consent Receipt - 

Scott: Function of the receipt

  • notice and consent is not a negotiation or an empowerment
  • Or --> offer and acceptance
  • If I am offerring and acceptance,
  • Invitation to bid
  • What are the dances in the different jurisidictions
  • recognising a matter of leal.
  • Need consistent interaction around that dance.

Mark - Hack for the issue of notice and consent dance that keep N&C a non empowering structure.

Create the option to show that there is a time limited consent to address the traditional notice and consent problem described above

Mary - (from experience) ability to make a line by line consent agreements for different - System - Purpose, re-use and administration

Logging the Purpose in the UE




 Next Steps Meeting Next Tuesday 9am PST, 12pm EST, 5pm GMT (unless we change.. might be a good idea)

Action Items

  •  Former user (Deleted) work on the consent schema and a UI for user submitted preferences with Tom
  •  Mark Lizar (Unlicensed) work on the map and ask people to get involved.
  •   Ask for timing for Tuesday meeting to include a couple more people