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Status of Minutes


Approved at: <<Insert link to minutes showing approval>> 2019-12-12 Meeting notes (CR) DRAFT



  • Andrew Hughes
  • Jim Pasquale
  • Iain Henderson
  • Lisa LeVasseur
  • Mark Lizar
  • Oscar Santolalla
  • Mary Hodder


  • Crt Ahlin
  • Pierre Roberge
  • Alec Laws
  • Jan Lindquist
  • Sneha Ved
  • Craig Erickson
  • Chris Olsen
  • Colin Wallis
  • Keith Uber
  • Tom Jones


Quorum Status

Meeting was <<<not>>> quorate

Voting participants

Participant Roster (2016) - Quorum is 6 of 10 as of 2019-03-20

Iain Henderson, Mary Hodder, Mark Lizar, Jim Pasquale (C), John Wunderlich (VC), Andrew Hughes (VC), Oscar Santolalla, Richard Gomer, Paul Knowles, Lisa LeVasseur

Discussion Items

  • Target is EIC May 2019

Here's the project page for the "Demo v2"

2019-04-11 call notes:

Comments (2019-04-04)

  • (jim) green light
  • (sneha) green light
2019-03-28 call notes:





4 mins
  • Roll call
  • Agenda bashing
  • Status: Wiki refresh work
  • Status: Distribution-version of slide deck describing the work here (consent receipt today → personal data processing receipt tomorrow - or whatever we decide)
  • Review list of implementations
  • Demo status update and walkthrough
  • Spec v2
  • Status: DIACC Notice and Consent Overview comments
  • AOB

5 min
  • Organization updates

Please review these blogs offline for current status on Kantara and all the DG/WG:

There is a wiki page that will hold all the known implementations of Consent Receipts - Please update the page or inform Jim, or John, or Andrew of your implementation.

  • Complete: IIW, Mountain View, California, April-May
  • EIC, Munich, May - member discount code available - PLEASE REGISTER FOR THE MEMBER PLENARY MEETING Monday May 13th 2019:
  • Identiverse, Washington, June
  • USENIX SOUPS '19 and PEPR '19 symposia August 11-13 Santa Clara, CA
  • MyData, Helsinki, September

Org status update

  • Colin at Connect:ID event
    • lots of engagement around the ID Assurance program / Trust Framework operations - high level of interest in getting approvals for 800-63-3
    • several orgs approaching for engagment on HealthIT assurance programs
    • mDL interest - with Secure Technology Alliance
  • ISO SC 27/WG 5
    • the WG 5 is very interested in Consent Receipts and Records
  • IIW update
    • High level of interest and actual implementations of consent receipts
    • Sphere Identity,, showed implementations of Kantara receipts
    • 1 large organization and 1 large consortium are on the path towards 'consent receipts' and were very interested to figure out how to work together with Kantara to make progress
    • We highlighted the concept of 'a secure storage place for people to keep their data receipts' - once this storage place is full of receipts, personal data receipt management software tools can be invented to work with that data to the benefit of the person
15 minv2 specification timelineAndrew
  • We have tentatively identified a PM for the v2 project
  • Tentative plan is to start a small team after EIC to collect up any and all requirements and requests for v2, 'normalize' the language, figure out a good approach for structural reform in order to support effective spec profiling, present back to the WG for prioritization and feedback. Then to produce a first cut Draft-0 of v2. 
  • After the Draft-0 is ready, it will be turned over to the WG for consensus-finding/editing.
  • Draft-0 should be sufficient for contribution into the ISO study period as a starting point
15 minDemo status updateall
  • Target is EIC May 2019
  • Here's the project page for the "Demo v2"

  • TUESDAY is the first showing during the Kantara workshop at EIC, WEDNESDAY is the dedicated presentation at EIC !!
  • Status updates
  • Oscar has proposed that Ubisecure create a primitive Privacy Control Panel app that accepts inbound receipts over an OAuth-controlled API.
  • is nearing completion of mods to their 'consent access dashboard' to make it look/behave like a Privacy Control Panel
  • We need to add a couple fileds to the spec (just for the demo) that allow the user to 'call back' to the receipt-issuer to invoke a user-mediated function like 'forget me'. These need to be fields that are URLs somewhere in the receipt-issuing party's namespace - the idea is that the user views a receipt and can click on the field/URL for the action they want to invoke. It's a way to fake an action button that does what we believe might happen in real implementations.
  • Status updates from participants:
  • Andrew to connect Richard and Oscar to get working on the API
  • still making progress

15 minDIACC Notice and Consent docall

John W. is responsible for gathering and submitting comments from the WG. (2019-04-25)

  • Deadline is May 3 for comments

deferProduct roadmap for the demoAll
  • Ubisecure
    • Oscar sent an email to the list about how to pass the v1.1 receipts to the dashboard/receiver service
    • Simple flows - a mechanism - for the end-user
    • This would allow direct receipt transfers instead of 'faking it' via the Downloads folder


Go to the demo v2 page for the breakdown of roles and functions for 2019-02-21 call

deferSpecification update approachDiscovery approach leading to backlog leading to prioritization?How do we decide what changes we must do in this round versus deferrable changes?

See a flowchart version of this here:

2019-03-14 notes:

  • Mark:
    • sent the GDPR extension to the W3C "Data Privacy Vocabulary Community Group" for comment
    • building a proposal to split the notice from the 'consent' in the structure
      • (note that this is similar to the proposal)
  • Andrew urges all participants to post issues into the github repo for proposed spec changes - so that we can discuss and prioritize them for action
5 minAOB
  • CIS WG marketing collateral - need it for EIC - Jim to resume progress
  • WG had a long discussion about what the receipt represents and roadmap and how they might be valued by the individual
5 minAOB

Next meeting

*** Next call 2019-05-16 10:30 am Eastern DAYLIGHT Time TENTATIVE due to EIC
