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Hello everyone

This is the running update from the Executive Director. Have questions or comments? Suggest some added information or edits? Contact ED colin at kantarainitiative dot org.


The KIPI R&D program has seen two projects progress through to Phase 2 (Execution), with advance to final stages - Lockstep's MDAV certificate capsules project re-branded as ValidIDy, already in final Phase 3 (Transition to commercialisation) branded as ValIDidy while Phase 3 determination on and Exponent's MOB4PACS project that uses using smartphones as PIV cards with NFC and BLE has been caught in the federal government shutdownawaiting final clearance to begin its final phase. Both of these are stunningly concepted projects capable of significant commercial exploitation for the right investment partner and I will be happy to introduce interested parties.

Kantara's other major program, the Trust Framework and Assurance program, had a busy And and progressive year. The Service Assessment Criteria for NIST's SP 800-63-3 Digital Identity Guidelines were developed and deployed by the program’s Working Group steward (the IAWG) for Kantara's accredited assessors to review the compliance of identity and credential providers' services seeking Kantara's grant of Trust Mark upon systemic review and, where favourable, approval. To this day, Kantara remains the only entity offering 3rd party conformity assessment and approval for this de jure internationally recognized standard, whose promulgation through the GSA FICAM program, of which Kantara is an authorized Trust Framework Provider, has been significantly impacted by federal funding cuts. Nonetheless, the FICAM Trust Framework Provider community comprising InCommon, Kantara and SAFE-Biopharma have continued to operate the program for the benefit of the federal and state government without the support of the GSA. My sincere thanks, and well deserved community credit, goes out to the IAWG participants (led by Ken Dagg and Scott Shorter) and the Assurance Review Board chaired by Leif Johansson (SUNNET) and comprising Ken Dagg (IAWG liaison), Tom Barton (InCommon), Jamie Bryce Clark (OASIS), Richard Trevorah (tScheme), Nathan Faut and David Temoshok, upon whose weekly attendance and many hours of pre-meeting preparation the program depends, supported by Program Manager Ruth Puente and editor Richard Wilsher.     


I think we can be proud of what we have achieved through the support and dedication of members, member and non member participants , as well as active Board organizations, Experian, ForgeRock (Kantara President Allan Foster), ISOC (Kantara Secretary, Treasurer Robin Wilton), SecureKey, Leadership Council Representatives (Chair Andrew Hughes whose dedication is seemingly without bounds and Ken Dagg), my near 24x7 staff (Ruth and Oliver), Virtual Inc management staff (Megan, Bella, Joan, Joe, Rob, Tim and Tom, Bob, Madison, Mikaela and others), and without whom we could not have made 2018 the really solid progressive year for Kantara that it has been.

What's most important is how you think Kantara has done and what it could do better. Please spend a few minutes answering these 10 multi-choice questions in our annual member survey.

2019 marks Kantara's 10th anniversary and you will see recognition of it throughout the year. 10 years is some considerable feat in the highly volatile world of industry consortia!

As I look at the 12 months ahead, with the less-than-full knowledge I possess now, I see growth everywhere in every aspect of Kantara's activity - R&D and Assurance programs, Working Groups, consortia consolidation, asset acquisition, membership and sponsorship. As next year is likely to be my last full year as your Executive Director, I want it to be a landmark year for Kantara - not just because of its 10 years and it being my last year - but because I want to see all your enthusiasm, suggestions, introductions, and volunteer contributions come to fruition and receive the accolades they richly deserve.

Next week I will be in Washington DC supporting our KIPI Program partners at the DHS S&T Cybersecurity and Innovation Showcase. I've planned to meet with as many of you as I know will be available. If you are in DC next week please just Contact us to reserve a meeting time.     And while on the topic of next week please, please.. remember the Identiverse deadline is closing fast, so make sure to submit your presentation idea before the January 11 deadline.   

It is with great pleasure that we welcome new individual member Ivan Niccolai from Australia, joining fellow Australians, the Digital Transformation Agency, Lockstep Technologies, Meeco, Unify and others. 


Program, Work Group and Discussion Group Updates:

  • You can always keep up with the latest news from the Work and Discussion Groups directly on the Leadership Council's Blog. See the list of public groups here.
