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Table of Contents

Tuesday, November 29


  • Discuss end-stage recommendations

Attending: Thomas, Eve, John W, Eve, John M, Jim

Next steps: What would a follow-on group work on? DG or WG? You'd normally expect a WG to deliver technical specs. Existing group (such as the IRM WG) or new group?

Blockchain has a challenge in that the "center is floating" but it still has one (a silo?). While the name of smart contracts is odd, the concept of joining identities in a legal sense to the code is valuable.

Jim suggests that if we have an identity (that is, start from the identity-centric view), then we necessarily have semantics. The legal layer of transactional semantics is "prose" (as R3 calls it), which allows incomplete statements that can gain clarity and interpretation over time. "Code", on the other hand, must be complete in some sense immediately (modulo machine learning inference stuff). We're saying "an identity" meaning a single digital identity; all identities meet in the meat! (See this...) In legal-land, think of "persons".

(sync (relationship (identity (person (meat)))))


(sync (identities (relationship)))

(See the much nicer diagram JohnW sent to the list!)

Do we think the lowest-hanging fruit around our recommendations would be around the identity/smart contracts elements? Could the relationship elements be captured in a smart contract itself? The incompleteness of any contract means there are assumptions that lean on a legal framework. ("Can smart contracts be legally binding contracts?" In short, yes, if you reference both prose and code.)

Use cases that are real for many today:

  • Smart home
    • Entities with identities, and their identities
      • Homeowner (primary), family member, AirBnB renters
      • Smart home devices
    • Contract conditions
      • Renters contracted through AirBnB are allowed to access the specified functions of the smart home devices, and only for a limited time
      • Family members can access the specified functions of the smart home devices until access is revoked
  • Medical/telematics
    • Entities with identities, and their identities
      • Patient (primary), doctors, nurses (care team), administrative staff
      • Insulin pump, other devices
    • Contract conditions
      • Whoever is a member of the care team can control and access the insulin pump settings
        • Substitute nurses etc.
  • Proxy powers
    • Entities with identities, and their identities
      • Mother, toddler, nanny
    • Contract conditions
      • The nanny can legally pick up the toddler from daycare and drive him around town

Looking at PSD2, the bank account is becoming the fundamental unit of identity. Actually, it sort of always was. The notion of an "identity account" came from more monetary notions of accounts.

Proposal: Add identity to the prose+code recommendations already extant for smart contracts. Jim sent this link to a CommonAccord contract.

AI: Jim: Send the Norton Rose paper to the list so we can bash it.

Thursday, November 17


  • After BSC-DG: what would be the next steps after BSC-DG? (Working Group?)
  • Report writing – look at items that need text.

Attending: Scott S.,Kathleen, Susan, Thomas,

Scott: Kantara should consider Governance for blockchain in the healthcare space; Kantara should look to developing new Trust Framework, that is distinct from the existing Identity Trust Framework (such as FICAM).

Kathleen: In many healthcare communities, FICAM is still used. But there is oppt to move forward the federation authorization that are healthcare specific (as FICAM does not sufficiently cover this).  May get strong support from Fed gov agenccies. But need to get to the point that it would be adopted. Also fits wioth other Kantara WG.

Scott: yes agree, there is place for identity federarion framework (e.g. FICAM). Kathleen: there is drive from HSS to ensure patient access is hoinored and empoered.  But if a provider wants to tal to Fed Agencies they have to speak FICAM. But need balance of these approaches.

Scott: don;t need to be about identity assurance (e.g. diamond trade example). Paper-based , human intensive, etc. But it still relied on a human-based certification. Kimberley process certification. Paper certificates are the wek link, as they have been forged. So a governnace scheme should be akin to the Kimberley process, but move away from the weak link and use consent management.

Thomas: could Kantara produce an "architecture" specification, atop which we could builtd a governance trust framework.

Scott: yes it would be part of the governance.

Susan: There is project where Identity Providers platforms will be listed at global level (part of mandate for 2030).  UN Goal 16.9: identity for all persons on the globe. So having an architecture would help all these folks to understand what identity and blocklchain, and what they are obtaining. In ID2020 there will be platforms that will be developed, but lacking an architecture that can be understood by non-technical people. So an architecture standard would be one item that a new Working Group can deliver.

Susan: technology is moving so fast that may be now is timely to start developing an architecture. There are already groups/companies creating new platforms.

Scott: Kantara needs to reach out to these organizations. There is an org in Germany that gives study grants.

Susan: a false document is a false document, so it would be good if can we use blockchain to minimize this.

Susan: news today is suggesting listing religion and demographic fields. So future solutions must avoid discrimination, bias, etc.

Scott: some patient care data lists relgiion. Kathleen: this is only for pastoral care.

Kathleen: Governance to protect attributes (of a person) being associated with service – would be very useful. How does this apply to (tied to) blockchain governance. eg. ability to anonymize your attributes, with verifiability. Scott will bring some  these issues into his Identity Professionals WG.

Susan: how can identity of a person not be used against them, how can blockchain play a role. For example: decentralized platform, not controlled by any specific government. Susan: can;t separate architecture from governance from politics.

Thomas: this is good inoput.

Kathleen: choosing one salient issue would make a WG very relevant. Fed AuthZ touches blockchain, so is relevant.

Thomas: no meetings next week.




Thursday, November 10


  • Report writing – look at items that need text.


Smart Contracts definition (thomas). Describe text that Thomas and Susan are writing. Question: can 1 paper contract map to 10 smaller smart contracts and how to express unity of execution of these as a whole. CommonAccord has this notion in-built, but not sure if same is true in current smart contract. Kathleen: 2 examples from health GPRI/FHIR. Headers can have pointers to CommonAccord or OIDs (e.g. that describe policies and enforceable rules). Using this possibly with XACML.

Kathleen: there might be technologies and techniques (Sovrin, Interledger, etc) and would be good if we could capture and explain what's nice about these.


Thursday, November 3

