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Future event details  |  events calendar



November 6, 2019

May 14, 2018

What: Kantara AGM and Members Plenary

Where: Unterschleißheim, Munich, Germany



November 27-29, 2017
September 12-13, 2017
June 19-22, 2017

What: Cloud Identity Summit 2017
Where: Chicago, USA



May 9-12, 2017

What: European Identity & Cloud Conference 2017
Where: Munich, Germany

Details: https://www.







  • Status on UMA, UMA Legal, BSC 2017-06-19.pdf
  • ID Pro Update Kantara PreConf CIS 2017 v1.pdf
  • 2017-06-22 CIS
  • Lockstep Technologies KIPI - CIS 2017 Kantara Workshop HANDOUTS.pdf
  • erasmus_slides_CIS__2017

    June 15-16, 2016

    What: Identity North 2016
    Where: Toronto, Ontario, Canada



    June 6-10, 2016

    What: Cloud Identity Summit
    Where: New Orleans



    July 19th, 2014

    What: Kantara Initiative Workshop at Cloud Identity Summit
    Where: Monteray, CA


    June 3rd, 2014

    What: Kantara Initiative Workshop at IRM Summit
    Where: Phoenix, AZ

    May 14-17, 2013
    What: European Identity & Cloud Conference
    Where: Munich, Germany
    Panel Session:
    May 9-10, 2013
    What: IDESG Plenary
    Where: Santa Clara, California, USA
    Who: Members, Trustees, Staff participating
    May 7-9, 2013
    What: IIW #16
    Where: Mountain View, California, USA
    Who: Members, Trustees, Staff participating

    UMA WG is planning 2 sessions: UMA 101 + Optimizations for OpenID Connect

    May 5-8, 2013What: Experian Vision Conference
    Where: Carlsbad California, USA
    Who: Kantara Panel Participation
    Apr 23, 2013What: Moving IAM to the Cloud
    Where: CA World – Las Vegas
    Who: Kantara Moderated Panel – Moving IAM to the Cloud
    Time: 15:45 – 16:45
    Mar 5, 2013What: Workshop: NIST 800-63 Equivalent, Identity Credentialing, Authentication and Identity Proofing.
    Where: HIMSS, New Orleans, Louisiana
    15:30-18:30 EST
    Panels Including: ApeniMed, DirectTrust, SureScripts, SecureKey, Experian, Equifax
    Mar 4-5, 2013

    What: Japan Cloud Identity Summit
    Where: Hitotsubashi Hall, Tokyo, Japan
    Time: 10:00 - 18:00
    Speaker: Leif Johansson

    Feb 26, 2013What: Non-Profits on the Loose - an RSA Hospitality Night
    Where: RSA 2013 - Minna Gallery, San Francisco (map)
    Time: 17:00-20:00 PST
    Feb 25, 2013What: Board of Trustee F2F
    Where: Hub, San Francisco
    Time: 12:00 - 17:00 PST
    Nov 30, 2012What: Kantara F2F: Trusted Identity Meeting - Gaps between Gov and Private Scenarios / Component Services
    Where: Venable LLP, 575 7th St NW | Washington, DC 20004
    Time: 08:00 - 17:00 EST
    Invited: Members and Non-Members
    Host: Experian
    Nov 28, 2012What: Applying NSTIC’s Identity Ecosystem Principles for Internet  Security
    Where: SmartCard Alliance Conference: Walter E Washington Convention Center, Wash DC
    Time: 16:00 - 17:15 EST
    Panel Including: Joni Brennan
    Nov 27, 2012What: Kantara Identity Assurance Workshop
    Where: SmartCard Alliance Conference: Walter E Washington Convention Center, Wash DC
    Time: 12:00-17:00 EST
    Panels Including: Kantara Members, Experian, SureScripts, Symantec, TroopID, and more!
    Oct 24, 2012

    What: Anti-Phishing WG / eCrime Conference:
    Federation as Fraud Metadata Beat Cop
    Where: El Conquistador, Puerto Rico
    Presenter: Joni Brennan

    Oct 18, 2012

    What: Federal Computing Weekly: Protecting Agency Assets with Trusted Identity Proofing:
    The State of Federal Identity Standards and compliance
    Where: Willard Hotel, Wash DC
    Panel Including: Joni Brennan

    Oct 10, 2012

    What: UK Government Identity Assurance Programme:
    Will Accredited Private Sector Organisations Provide Better Identity Services Than Governments?
    Where: RSA Security Conference, London
    Panel Including: Joni Brennan

    Oct 4, 2012

    What: Identity Ecosystem Steering Group (IDESG):
    Pacific North West Round Table Event
    Where: Microsoft, Redmond Campus, Olympic
    Presenter: Joni Brennan

    Aug 8, 2012BrightTalk Security Intelligence Summit - Overview of Kantara Assurance Program
    Presenter: Joni Brennan
    Aug 7-8, 2012Assurance Meeting: IAWG, HIAWG, P3WG, AMDG, hosted by SureScripts
    Joint Groups Meeting
    May 6-9, 2012Vision Conference 2012: Produced by Experian
    Panel including: Joni Brennan

    April 17, 2012

    Kantara Summit at EIC

    • Mapping The Identity Ecosystem: A multi-national perspective – Christine Runnegar, Senior Policy Advisor, ISOC - slides
    • Trust Frameworks: Tools to build the Identity Ecosystem – It takes a village! – Joni Brennan, Executive Director, Kantara Initiative - slides
    • eGov SAML 2: Verifying Interoperability in eGovernment Scenarios – Colin Wallis, Authentication Standards Manager, DIA New Zealand Government - slides
      • Managing Profiles -- David Simonsen, WAYF - slides
    • Federation Interoperability, SAML2INT, Listing Service – John Bradley, Identity Domain Expert - slides
    • OpenID Connect Deployment Verification Tool Demo - Roland Hedberg, Umeå University, Sweden, GEANT3, Terena - slides
    • Edentity presenting "Experience of Federating Personal Data with User-Managed Access - Kevin Cox - link to preso
    • UMA Interop - Mario Hoffmann, Fraunhofer AISEC - slides

    April 13-14, 2012

    Kantara Workshop, Garching, Munich - hosted by Fraunhofer AISEC

    • Fraunhofer AISEC - introduction and overview - slides
    • Demo 1: Mikael Ates, Entr'ouvert - Authentic 2 - slides
    • Demo 2: Mikael Ates, Entr'ouvert - roleID Project; European Collaborative Project - slides
    • Demo 3: Mario Hoffmann, Fraunhofer AISEC - Location Aware Recommendation Service - demo slides
    • Demo 4: David Simonsen, WAYF - Calculating the Economic Benefit of ID Federation - demo recording
    • Kantara: Building a Healthy ID Ecosystem - slides
    • UMA Interop - Mario Hoffmanm, Fraunhofer AISEC - demo video

    March 1, 2012

    RSA Panel - Trust Framework Model: Origins, FICAM, NSTIC, Missing Link And Evolution

    • Joni Brennan (Executive Director, Kantara Initiative) 
    • Rainer Hoerbe (Industry Consultant, Analyst) 
    • Richard Wilsher (Chief Executive Officer, Zygma) 
    • Jane K Winn (Professor of Law, Univ. of Washington Law School)

    February 28, 2011

    RSA Panel - Behind Velvet Ropes: Access Government Services While Safeguarding Data

    • Nick Piazzola (Director of Government Authentication, Symantec Corporation)
    • Daniel Buttafogo (Head of Financial Crime & Transaction Risk Management for the Citibank Cards Portfolio, Citi)
    • Joni Brennan (Executive Director, Kantara Initiative)
    • Deborah Gallagher (Chair, Federal PKI Policy Authority, General Services Administration)

    November 1, 2011

    Kantara Identity Summit at SCA Conference

    • Kantara - a Global Context - Joni Brennan, Kantara Initiative - slides
    • Healthcare Authentication - Rich Furr, SAFE-BioPharma Association - slides
    • NSTIC Day - Rich Furr, SAFE-BioPharma Association - slides
    • eGovernment - Sal D'Agostino, IDmachines LLC - slides
    • Assurance Frameworks - Rich Furr, SAFE-BioPharma Association - slides
    • Strong Authentication & Rich Identity - Myisha Frazier Mc-Elveen, Trustone - slides
    • Identity & Privacy Assurance - Dr. Colin Soutar, CSC - slides
    • Patient ID Service - Dan Combs, eCitizen Foundation - slides

    September 28, 2011

    Presentation at the Share experience in Identity Federation and Electronic Identities

    The Bridge to Communities Assurance, Governance and Technical Interoperability - Joni Brennan, Kantara Initiative

    July 19, 2011

    Kantara & OpenID Summit, Keystone, Colorado at the Cloud Identity Summit

    • OpenID Implementation - Todd Cramer, Marketing, Intel Application Security & Identity Products - slides
    • Enabling Privacy, Data Protection & User Trust - Laurent Liscia, Executive Director, OASIS - papers
    • Does OpenID work for the Enterprise - Chuck Mortimore, - slides
    • Identity Standards Landscape Panel Luncheon - Joni Brennan-Kantara Initiative, Ken Klingenstein-Internet2, Laurent Liscia-OASIS, Mary Ruddy-Identity Commons, Don Thibeau-OIX - notes

    May 18, 2011

    Kantara Initiative F2F meeting, Berlin May 16-18 - closing session summary slides

    May 13, 2011

    Kantara Initiative Summit at the EIC Conference Munich - Trust Framework Model & IdM Summit

    • Introduction Opening Kantara Initiative Overview - Matthew Gardiner - slides
    • Session 1: Open Identity Trust Framework Model, Kantara IAF, Assurance Certification & OIX Listing Service and Success Stories, Kantara and OIX full scale solution - John Bradley & Don Thibeau - slides
    • Session 2: Privacy Framework overview and value proposition - Colin Wallis (on behalf of Mark Lizar) - slides
    • Session 3a: Info Sharing and Individual Trust Frameworks - Iain Henderson - slides
    • Session 3b: eGovernment Commonalities within Europe and beyond - Colin Wallis & Fulup Ar Foll - slides
    • Session 4: TelCo Requirements on IdM Systems & Massively Scaleable IdM Architecture for TelCos - Ingo Friese & Fulup Ar Foll - slides
    • Session 5: TAS3 - Trusted Architecture for Secure Shared Services (with Privacy) and Personal Data Store - Sampo Kellomaki - slides

    March 3, 2011

    Patient Identity Service Project launch - audio and slide presentation via WebEx

    January 31, 2011

    C2G and B2B Authn and Authz in Finland - presentation with audio - Keith Uber, Ubisecure Solutions Oy

    December, 2010

    Kantara Initiative Programs and Benefits of Membership - slides

    December 14, 2010

    Episode 67 audio: ID standard series - Vetting and proofing: Dan Combs, CEO at the eCitizen Foundation and Member of the Harvard Policy Group-Leadership for a Networked World

    October, 2010

    Massively Scaleable Architecture video introduction - Fulup Ar Foll, Oracle Corporation 

    October 19-21, 2010

    Kantara Initiative Meeting Paris
    Opening Session slides - Joni Brennan, Managing Director, Kantara Initiative
    Opening Session slides- Kim Cameron, Chief Architect of Identity, Microsoft
    Closing Session slides - Kantara Initiative Leadership

    October 7, 2010

    Authentication in the New Decade - Joni Brennan, Managing Director, Kantara Initiative 
    Audio & Slides

    October, 7, 2010

    BrightTALK IT Security Summit
    Identity Assurance in Everyday Life - Frank Villavicencio, EVP, Identropy, Inc. & Co-Chair IAWG
    Audio + Slides

    Sept 1, 2010

    Kantara Initiative Symposium Japan

    July 27, 2010

    Authz Standards Workshop at Burton Catalyst USA

    May 6, 2010

    BrightTALK IAM Summit
    The Role of Identity Assurance Frameworks within Identity Access Management Systems - Joni Brennan
    PDF Slides Only | Audio + Slides

    March 1, 2010

    RSA Annual Workshop at RSA Conference

    November 10, 2009

    BrightTALK Summit
    The Role of Strong Authentication in the Identity Assurance Ecosystem - Brett McDowell

    September 15, 2009

    IDDY Awards 2009 Presented at DIDW
    IDDY Awards 2009

    July 29, 2009

    Privacy: How to have a productive multi-stakeholder discussion at Burton Catalyst
    A session from Robin Wilton, Director, Future Identity Ltd.

    June 24, 2009

    Kantara Initiative Webcast - Shaping the Future of Digital Identity
    MP4 | MP3 | PDF | Slideshare

    April 20, 2009

    Harnessing the Power of Digital Identity - 2009 and the Promising Road Ahead