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Connected Life Innovation Groups
IRMWG1stSalvatore D'Agostino (LC Secretary)


IRMWG2ndBill Nelson 
UMAWG1stEve Maler yes
UMAWG2ndMaciej Machulak 
CISWG1stAndrew Hughes (LC Chair) yes

John Wunderlich


CISWG Mark Lizar (LC Vice-Chair) yes
CISWG Mary Hodder 
IDoTDG Ingo Friese 
BSCDG Thomas Hardjono 
BSCDG Eve Maler 
DIDProDG1stIan Glazer 
DIDProDG2ndSarah Squire 
Trust Services Interoperability Groups
IAWG1stKen Dagg yes
IAWG2ndScott Shorter 
HIAWG1stNON-VOTING 2016-09-07 

Rainer Hoerbe

eGovWG2ndKeith Uber 

John Bradley


FIWG2ndWalter Forbes Hoehn 
OTTOWG1stMichael Schwartz yes
OTTOWG2ndJanusz Ulanowski 
Kantara-Colin Wallis yes
Virtual-Megan Cannon yes

NOTE: As of April 19, 2017, for calculation of quorum there are 7 WGs.

Agenda and Meeting Notes

TopicDesired Outcome
Meeting Administration
Roll Call Quorum is confirmed
Agenda Confirmation 
Minutes confirmation


Draft minutes for approval:

2017-05-17 Meeting Notes DRAFT

2017-03-15 Meeting Notes DRAFT

2017-01-18 Meeting Notes DRAFT

"To approve listed meeting minutes"

Motion by:





Organizational Updates
Executive Director and Staff Report

Director's Corner: 2017: MayJuly

LC Chair Report

The Kantara Initiative is the global consortium improving trustworthy use of identity and personal data through innovation, standardization and good practice.

  • Big push revving up to close out the year
    • Project is underway between Assurance Review Board and Identitiy Assurance WG to create a certification based on NIST SP 800-63-3
      • Working team started to create this adjustment aiming for first quarter of 2018. Board has approved the public announcement that Kantara is moving forward with it.
      • there is interest in UMA certification
    • Project to start soon in FedInterop WG on creating an SP 800-63-3 update to the eGov SAML profile
    • Consent & Information Sharing WG is plugging away at Consent Receipt v1.1 - expect public review period later in 2017
    • UMA WG is working hard to process comments from their public review period on UMA 2.0 - might need to do another 45-day public review - stay tuned this month
    • Kantara Board and Staff are ramping up for a Membership drive - as Kantara increases the level of activity in the WGs and DGs, more funds are needed to sustain operations
    • The Liaison sub-committee of the Board is preparing submissions to ISO SC 27 on study periods for core digital identity management standards. The outcome of these study periods will shape the nature of ID Proofing, ID Assurance, Authentication Levels and federation for the foreseeable future.
    • Identity Relationship Management is deliberating on what the next publication could be - there is some interest (from me and others) to investigate how Graph data technologies can be used to represent relationships and feed into 'traditional' authorization systems
    • New work to start soon on Requirements for Consent Management Systems, as an early step towards creating a certification for systems that manage notice and consent for information collection and processing
    • Blockchain and Smart Contracts Report to Kantara to be formally published in August - a marketing campaign will accompany the publication
    • Kantara is always in a membership campaign. Please encourage colleagues and customers to join as an organizational member.
New Business
WG/DG Updates

Administrative Reminders/Requests: Please ensure your WG and DG charters are reasonably current. These are supposed to be reviewed annually.


  • OTTO WG - Is slow with the summer and travel, but circling the finish line. Vocabulary is close to finished, and have a draft that needs to be reviewed. Realistically could be finished this year. There is an opportunity to present at Internet 2 event in San Francisco. 5 minute lightning talk.
  • UMA WG once public comments seen and applied, there may be a second public review period. Eve will have a call tomorrow with the group to confirm. Colin recommended a shorter review period because the IPR has not been challenged. Focus the review on the pieces that have been changed. Ask Andy Kurtzman for his opinion on the issue of editorial vs technical revisions - if they need a full 45 day review. Email a subset of the group that has been on the calls, collect an email thread to ask them to confirm that they have not contributed IPR that they wouldn't want Kantara to have. Get legal advice about this wording.




eGov WG

Launching New WG/DG'sBSC DG - recharter new DG or start a new WG 
Long-running Topics
Action Items Review

Please take a moment to review the list of action items and do your best to take action.

GDPR-Related Activities 
Policies & Procedures update

New boilerplate templates for email ballots are being created.

IPR Policy update

New IPR Policy and options have been approved insert link here
Tips and Tricks 2017 Project Funding
 2018 Project Funding

Please begin preparation of project proposals for your WG/DG for the 2018 fiscal year.

Proposals should be approved by LC and in front of the Board by October.

Projects that fit into a longer-term roadmap or plan will be viewed favorably (smile)

Document repo/Publications Library 
Kantara-presence Events

List of future events on

London, UK
Identity North 2017IDN 2017June 6-7, 2017Toronto, CA
Cloud Identity Summit CIS 2017June 19-22, 2017Chicago, US
EEMA Conference "Privacy v Identity"EEMA 2017July 4-5, 2017EventDatesLocation

Consumer Identity World Tour 2017

Seattle: Sep 12-13 - Paris: Nov 28-29 - Singapore: Dec 13-14Seattle, Paris, Singapore

MyData 2017

August 30 - September 1, 2017Talinn + Helsinki


** Not listed on Kantara site yet

AOBOpen discussion

MyData - update on next call

IAPP conferences - applications due soon

All working group leadership are welcome to join these calls

Action Items

  •    Colin to check with Andy K. regarding UMA IPR and Public comment period