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ANCR Consent Token: Mirrored Record Information Structure v0.7
Consent Receipt V1.1 work can be found here

Version: 0.7

Document Date: Dec 6, 2023


Status: WG Draft v0.7 (updated from Sept 2022-Archive-Next version Feb-March 2024)

Editor Note

A Record of processing provides transparency over who is accountable and is a pre-condition for processing PII with scalable governance and security. Operational transparency , with mirrored records of processing requires that the identity of the controller, the legal justification, governance framework and jurisdiction be presented prior to data processing. The AuthC Protocol utilises this mirrored record and receipt standard record information structure, now standardized in tprocessing scales human context and understanding into systems. Transparency over data control ensures a consent by default methodology enabling individuals to regulate surveillance. Brining together two very mature regulatory instruments, standard for records, and compliance for receipts, with a new technical standard of digital credentials.




Table of Contents


Public international laws and standards for digital record and receipts promise to dramatically lower the cost of security and increase the effectiveness of privacy. The use of ISO 29100 security and privacy framework for consented data access, control and transfer adequacy proposes a low cost, or free notice record framework for PII Principles (and Controllers). To facilitate the governance and regulation by all privacy stakeholders, by regulating authorities.

The Legal Rules Codified

In this framework, the privacy, notice and consent, transparency code of conduct is the law that is developed into open source code, and required to access un-linked data silo’s, across jurisdictional and technically -networked disparate systems.

   digital privacy transparency with

[Anonymous] Consent by Default: the common mode of governance

  • Digital Consent is required by default, an individual is notified if PII is needed, for what purpose, and what permissions are required.


§  Interaction with this transparency gateway, is what is recorded, and what is provided to the individual as a knowledge receipt

Purpose Defined

6 Legal Categories of Authority


Public Interest

Best Interest

Legal Obligation

Legitimate Interest

Types of Consent

a.     Types of Consent






Concentric Notice Labels

It is very difficult for stakeholders to know what law, rules and obligations apply in any given context, to address this, Concentric Notice Labels map the legal justification, and the type of consent to rights, and digital rights controls that reduce liability and mitigate risks.

ANCR Record

An ANCR Record, is the initial digital identity rep relationship record in a linked chain of records, in which a record of a processing activity captures a; notice, notification or disclosure, in a standard record, using data privacy vocabulary. The record is a snapshot of the state of digital privacy transparency provided by a PII Controller, or a PII Controller’s delegate processor.

The notice record is first specified as a static, one-time use notice record that is created by the PII Principal and used to initiate a state of operational transparency in context measured by access to, and performance of rights.

Table1: Single Use Notice Record: PII Controller Identity & Contact Transparency Report

Field Name

Field Description

Requirement: Must, Shall, May

Field Data Example

Notice Location

Location the notice was read/observed


PII Controller Name

Name of presented business



Controller Address

The physical address of controller and/or accountable person


1940 Argentina Road Mississauga, Ontario L5N 1P9.

PII Controller Contact Type

Contact method for correspondence with PII Controller


Email, phone

PII Controller-Correspondence Contact

General contact point


Privacy Contact Type

The Contact method provided for access to privacy contact



Privacy Contact Point

Location/address of Contact Point


Session Certificate

A certificate for monitored practice


E.g., SSL Certificate Security (TLS) and Transparency

Anchoring the Notice Record for Trust

Without a record identifier, added to each record, this initial record is un-anchored notice record. This record can be extended for use as a Trust Anchor for the PII Principal by adding an ANCR Record ID used to track the PII Controller and the data processing relationship over time.

As a trust anchor, it becomes a record the individual can use to verify the digital identity relationship to secure a privacy context in a system.

Notice Record References

For the purposes of this specification, the following terms and definitions apply as, normative, non-normative to be used per context, and additive, in that they aid human understanding and data control.


— IEC Electropedia: available at

Normative References

For the international and cross-domain use of the records and receipts here, this document refers to the following:

  • ISO/IEC 29100:2011 Security and privacy techniques

  • ISO/IEC 29184 Online privacy notices and consent,

  • Fair Information Practice Principles (FTC) foundational principles

Non-Normative References

1980/2013 OECD Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data [OECD]

Kantara Initiative Consent Receipt v1.1

Additive Reference

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

  • Council of Europe Convention 108+ (Conv. 108+)

    • PIPEDA – Individual, Meaningful Consent,

Notations and Abbreviations

The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", “NOT RECOMMENDED”, "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC 2119].

The following abbreviations and set of stakeholders are used to frame a mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive set of terms for providing transparency over what organization controls the processing of perosnal information, and who is accountable for enforcement,


Array – an array of field objects

Terms and definitions

The definitions reference terms that are used in this specification to indicates what is normative, non-normative, and additive.

If a jurisdiction’s privacy terms are not compatible with this specification, these internationally defined terms can be mapped to jurisdiction and context specific terms. For example, PII Principal in this document maps to the term Data Subject in European GDPR legislation and the term individual in Canadian PIPEDA.

Concentric Notice Types

For Individual participation and access


[Source Conv 108+ Rec.20]


Adhering to the openness, transparency and notice principle means:


Broadly refers to any surveillance or privacy notice, notification, disclosure, statement, policy, sign or signal used to indicate personal data processing.

[ANCR Notice Record ]

Notice Modalities

The organization may implement the control using different techniques: layered notices, dashboards, just-in-time notices and icons, and may provide notices in a machine-readable format so that the software which is presenting it to the PII principal can parse it to optimize the user interface and help PII principals make decisions.


That information may be provided in combination with standardised icons in order to give in an easily visible, intelligible and clearly legible manner, a meaningful overview of the intended processing. Where the icons are presented electronically, they should be machine-readable.

[Conv 108+ Rec 35]

Notice Record

When organizations should seek consent for changes such as those outlined here, they should consider whether the PII principal has access to a record (of some kind) of their original consent, as well as how much time has elapsed between the original consent and the present. If the PII principal is able to access a record of their prior consent readily and if the elapsed time is not significant, organizations may provide notice of the changes and seek consent for same. Otherwise, the organization should seek reconfirmation of the original consent in addition to consent to the notified changes.


[Source: ISO/IEC 29100 Table 3]

Proof of Notice

Providing a record of notice

    1. [Source ISO/IEC 29184

Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

Any information that (a) can be used to identify the PII Principal to whom such information relates, or (b) is or might be directly or indirectly linked to a PII Principal.


(‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person;

(Source: Con. 108+)

PII Principal, Data Subject or (Individual)

The natural person to whom the personally identifiable information (PII) relates.



[Additive: PIPEDA]

PII Controller

A privacy stakeholder (or privacy stakeholders) that determines the purposes and means for processing personally identifiable information (PII) other than natural persons who use data for personal purposes.


Note: it may also be called data controller.

PII Joint Controller

Covers multiple joint controller relationships including co-controllers, hierarchical, fiducial, and code. Likely a type.

PII Processor

A privacy stakeholder that processes personally identifiable information (PII) on behalf of and in accordance with the instructions of a PII controller.

[SOURCE: ISO 29100]

PII Sub-Processor

An additional field to indicate a delegated processor.

Processing of PII

An operation or set of operations performed on personally identifiable information (PII).


[Source. Convention 108+]

Privacy Stakeholder

A natural or legal person, public authority, agency or any other body that can affect, be affected by, or perceive themselves to be affected by a decision or activity related to personally identifiable information (PII) processing.

[SOURCE: ISO 29100]




Table A.1 — Matching ISO/IEC 29100 concepts to ISO/IEC 27000 concepts

ISO/IEC 29100 concepts

Correspondence with ISO/IEC 27000 concepts

Privacy stakeholder



Information asset Information security incident Control

Privacy breach Privacy control Privacy risk


Privacy risk management

Risk management

Privacy safeguarding requirements

Control objectives

[Source: ISO/IEC 29100: Annex A]

Third Party

A privacy stakeholder other than the personally identifiable information (PII) principal, the PII controller and the PII processor, and the natural persons who are authorized to process the data under the direct authority of the PII controller or the PII processor.


[Source: Convention 108 Art 3.14]

Notice Record Information Structure

The ANCR Record is essentially a layered record schema, the first record is the minimum viable consent receipt record, This record collects no additional data, except what the PII Principal would require to see in order to initiate electronic notice and consent dialogue with some operational security assurance.


Note: ANCR Notice record ID is utilized to create and link new receipts ensuring the providence of the PII Principals control of the ANCR record

Notice Record Schema: PII Controller Identity & Privacy Contact Point Schema

This is the schema elements that are used to generate a un-anchored notice record and do not contain any PII, or digital identifiers.


Field Cat Name


Object Description

Presence Requirement

PII Controller Identity





Presented Name of Service Provider

name of service. E.g. Microsoft



PII Controller Name

Company / organization name



PII Controller address




PII Controller contact email

correspondence email



PII Controller jurisdiction legal reference

PII Controller Operating Privacy Law



PII Controller Phone

The general correspondence phone number



PII Controller Website

URL of website (or link to controller application)



PII Controller Certificate

A capture Website SSL


Privacy Contact Point Location




Privacy Contact Access Point Types (pcpT)


Must have at least one field for the PCP object




Privacy Access Point Profile




In-person access to privacy contact




PAP email




Privacy access phone




privacy info access point, URI




Privacy access form URI





privacy bot, URI





code of practice certificate, URI of public directory with pub-key







PCP PaP Policy


privacy policy, URI with standard consent label clauses


Proof of Notice Record Schema

A consent receipt, when provisioned with is Proof of Notice record, builds on the PII Controller Identity and Contact field base to generate a proof of notice record with PII fields to a corresponding private proof of notice record.

This legally required information for proof of notice. This event information is needed for legal chain of evidence, in which PII is added to the record but blinded, and secure. Starting with the Private ANCR Record ID which the PII Principal can use to aggregate operational transparency information for more advanced use in context.

Field Cat

Field Name



ANCR Record ID

Blinded identifier secret to the PII Principal


Schema version





_the time and date when the ANCR record was created


Legal Justification


One of six legal justifications used for processing personal data


Notice Record

Object labels




Notice Type

Notice, notification, disclosure


Notice legal location

The location ore region that the PII Principal read the information.,


Notice presentation method




online notice -location

Notice location e.g.ip address



location Certificate




Notice Language

The language notice provided in



Notice Text File

URL – and or Hashlink for the notice text



Notice text

The capture of a copy of the notification text



Notified legal Justification

Implied or explicit notified legal justification based on the text of a notice and its context


Concentric Notice Label


a label that is mapped to legal justifications, rights and controls that can be provided by default, for a specified purpose


Private Notice Record Schema

These fields can be asserted by the PII Principle to extend the functionality beyond the transparency KPI’s specified.


ANCR Record Field Name



Security Consideration

schema version

A number used by the PII Principal to track the PII Controller Record

Optional (unless shared or used further)




Verified Credential Attribute

Anchor Notice Record id #




Notice Collection method

Notice presentation UI Type


Notice Collection Location

URL or digital address and location of the notice UI


Notice Legal Justification

One of the six legal justifications(ISO, GDPR, C108)

PII Principal Legal Location


Device Type


PII Principal Private- Key

Notice Record Security

Notice Record is first a tool of transparency, a private record with this minimal purpose. It is then extended into two records, 1. being a private proof of notice record proof of notice record, which provides assurance that the PII Principal has read the notice. Impl


The KPIs provide transparency and security assurance to qualify the PII Controller before the controller processes personal information.

Conclusion –

Towards Privacy

PII Principal identifying information MUST never be included in this specified ANCR Record. When a consent receipt is provided, all PII Principal identifiers MUST be either blinded or pseudonymized, e.g., with a verifiable credential using zero-knowledge proof. Any PII Controller consent records that combine raw personal identifiers with a consent record are therefore insecure and those systems are considered non-operational and insecure.

This categorizes most of the current internet and identity infrastructure as non-operational from a security perspective. As a result nearly all digital identifiers in an identifier management relationship produce raw PII for all parties that require security considerations. Access and use of this record as a data source in these cases are achieved through extensions. Annex A

Notice Record Extensions

Extension 1

ISO/IEC 27560 is used to generate a standard purpose-based notice and consent information and identifier structure. This is utilized by the ANCR Record schema and protocol to specify or audit a purpose for any legal justification.

The extension is written for the PII Controller, to enable the anchored record to be used as a verifiable data source for operationalizing a channel (exchange) where PII Principals can advertise a consent grant to the controller. (see Annex C)

Extension 2

Once specified, the W3C Data Privacy Vocabulary is used to specify the treatment of personal data.

Extension 3

Extending the ANCR Notice record, purpose specification and data treatment sections with a code of conduct (transparency practices) specified by industry, trade associations and civil registries (referred to as code of conduct as it references the legal requirements).


[Note: The appendices introduce the new elements found in this specification, as well as a schema map for interoperability with ISO/IEC 27560 for contribution.]


  • Kantara Community, DIACC, ToiP, W3C DPV and Consent,

  • The ISO/IEC 27560 committee

  • Standards Council of Canada

  • PasE; Consent Gateway Team and the NGI – Next Generation Internet Grant contribution


[Conv 108+] Council of Europe, Convention 108 +


[OECD]OECD Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data.

Annex (WiP to v8.9.9)


ANCR Record, with these annex show the human centric transparency ontology, This annex focuses on the data technical semantics of the ontology from a Human (label), for legal reference, to a machine readable attribute, for an operational transparency schema.


  • Text: a data type that defines a human-readable sequence of characters and the words they form, subsequently encoded into computer-readable formats such as ASCII.

  • Numeric: a data type that defines anything of, relating to, or containing numbers. The numbering system consists of ten different digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,and 9.

  • Reference: a data type that defines a self-addressing identifier (SAID) that references a set of attributes through its associated parent. SAID is an identifier that is deterministically generated from and embedded in the content it identifies, making it and its data mutually tamper-evident.

  • Boolean:a data type where the data only has two possible variables: true or false. In computer science, Boolean is an identification classifier for working out logical truth values and algebraic variables.

  • Binary:a data type that defines a binary code signal, a series of electrical pulses representing numbers, characters, and performed operations. Based on a binary number system, each digit position represents a power of two (e.g., 4, 8, 16, etc.). In binary code, a set of four binary digits or bits represents each decimal number (0 to 9). Each digit only has two possible states: off and on (usually symbolised by 0 and 1). Combining basic Boolean algebraic operations on binary numbers makes it possible to represent each of the four fundamental arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

  • DateTime: a data type that defines the number of seconds or clock ticks that have elapsed since the defined epoch for that computer or platform. Common formats (see 'Format Overlay') include dates (e.g., YYYY-MM-DD), times (e.g., hh:mm:ss), dates and times concatenated (e.g., YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss+zz:zz), and durations (e.g., PnYnMnD).

  • Array [attribute type]: a data type that defines a structure that holds several data items or elements of the same data type. When you want to store many pieces of data that are related and have the same data type, it is often better to use an array instead of many separate variables (e.g. array[text], array[numeric], etc.).


Two Factor Notice (for differential transparency)

  • A notice that is used to generate granular consent receipts using standards that specify purpose in the same way. Those generated with the same schema based can be compared to automate notice for operational transparency over changes to privacy state.

  • A 2fN, is used to produce a dual record an receipt upon engaging with a standardized notice with access to admin privacy rights from the notice, prior to processing with consent.

  • The consent receipts produced from a 2fN, can be compared independently for difference in the state and status of privacy, to automatically produce a notification based on the difference in state.

  • Differential Transparency, produced with a tactile signal, or layer 1 notice indicator, standardized with machine readable data privacy vocabulary. (concentric and synchronic transparency)


Concentric Notice Types

The object of the ANCR record is to enable operational transparency. A concentric notice type is used to provide a human centric label to a record or a receipt.


. Referencing the corresponding ISO/IEC 29184 control to enhance interoperability of operational transparency. Interoperability that is realized through the extension of transparency with records of processing to establish and maintain a shared understanding of security and privacy risks. Affording people choice which mitigate risks and transfer liability.

Mapping Legal Justifications to Concentric Notice Types

These are mapped here

to provide a set of operational transparency defaults to set and support privacy as expected by the PII Principal. Expectations that provide a privacy notice starting point, where PII Principal and PII Controller can gain a shared understanding, or where a PII Principal can assert a legal justification for processing to access privacy rights.


Concentric digital transparency is a design principle of electronic Notice and evidence of consent. The outcomes are for a shared / concentric understanding of a relationship and the purpose of digital interaction, the data control impact, and associated risks centric to the PII Principal.

Concentric Notice Types mapped to Privacy Rights

Concentric Notice Types are you to create a digital notice label to enable that can be applied to digital processing context which are understood from a human centric perspective.


Concentric Notice Type


Legal Justification

Privacy Rights

Legal Ref

Non-Operational Notice


Not enough notice/security information for digital privacy

Not compliant with any if unable to determine or confirm Controller, or contact

Withdraw, Object, Restrict,
Access/Edit, Forget,

Con.108+ 79.1(a) GDPR Art 13/14 1a,b,

Consensus Notice

Notice of Legitimate Processing. Surveillance Notification ,

Legitimate interest

Implied Consent Notice

Implied through PII Principals participation in a specific context.
Or through a notice from PII Controller for a specific purpose context. Can also refer to an existing state of privacy and its established status. aka ‘applied consent’ to data processing.



GDPR Art 50 1 c

Con 108+

-Supplement- IPC, Canada3

Implicit consent notice

Refers to governance that is implicit to the action of the PII Principal.

Legitimate interest, Contract,

Legal obligation

Object , Restrict

Expressed Consent notice

Expressed through the implicit action of a Notified individual.

Informed Consent


Explicit Consent Notice

Provided in such a way that the is Informed, freely given, knowledgeable consent,.

Consent witch is knowledgeable of risk


Con 108+.1(4)1b

GDPR Art 7.1

Directed Consent

A consent directive is consent explicitly defined by the PII Principal for specific purposes, according to disclosures of risks that are notified.

meaningful consent, in which the individual has specified the consented purpose

GDPR 9.1(h)

Altruistic Consent

Not knowing who the Controller of PII will be. Consent to a purpose and public benefit governance framework, without knowing who is the beneficiary


DGA, Recital 1,2,4,36,39

Annex C: ANCR Record Extension Protocol

The anchor record is captured or generated for the explicit control of the PII Principal.  This record, standardized with ISO/IEC 29100 security and privacy technique framework, can then be used for transparency interoperability.  

The Anchor record and linked consent ledger is used by the PII Principal to track the state of privacy and status of consent for dynamic data controls for bilateral (peer to peer) interaction.    The anchor record is minted with the PII Controller ANCR record and in this way extended by a product or service purpose specification. 

Privacy State (tentative)

  • The legitimate interests of a controller, including those of a controller to which the personal data may be disclosed, or of a third party, may provide a legal basis for processing, provided that the interests or the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject are not overriding, taking into consideration the reasonable expectations of data subjects based on their relationship with the controller....

    • At any rate the existence of a legitimate interest would need careful assessment including whether a data subject can reasonably expect at the time and in the context of the collection of the personal data that processing for that purpose may take place. The interests and fundamental rights of the data subject could in particular override the interest of the data controller where personal data are processed in circumstances where data subjects do not reasonably expect further processing

    • The processing of personal data strictly necessary for the purposes of preventing fraud also constitutes a legitimate interest of the data controller concerned. The processing of personal data for direct marketing purposes may be regarded as carried out for a legitimate interest.

  • (GDPR Rec 47

Privacy State Notification Types (tentative)

reference the expected processing for a specified purpose in reference to common law (

  • The processing of personal data strictly necessary for the purposes of preventing fraud also constitutes a legitimate interest of the data controller concerned. The processing of personal data for direct marketing purposes may be regarded as carried out for a legitimate interest.

    • Processing is ‘as expected’ Notification

      • unverified

      • As expected,

      • not as expected,

      • minor change in state,

      • material change in state ,

    • PII Principal

Transparency Status

  • Taking into account the state of the art, the costs of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the risks of varying likelihood and severity for the rights and freedoms of natural persons, the controller and the processor shall implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk, including, inter alia, as appropriate:

(Conv. 108+ Art 33.1)

Transparency Status Types

  • Not-Available

  • In-Active

  • Active

  • Active & Operational

  • Active & Dynamic

Annex C.1 Purpose Specification with 27560 Consent Record Information Structure


An Anchored Notice Record is specified to capture the data control relationship between the PII Principal and the PII Controller, utilizing the international ISO/IEC 29100 standard.


  • This purpose spec schema is specified for the PII Controller, (data protection) but can also be used as record to assess a purpose by a Privacy Stakeholder.

  • 7560 Notes

  • The ANCR protocol is for generating a record of notice containing controller id and contact, this is always the event, in this regard the ancr_id maps to event id. To this extend event schema section is not required

  • The ANCR record is specified to 29100, in which the ‘privacy and security stakeholders’ are defined, in the context of the ANCR record, this means that any role (other than PII Principal) has a Controller id, relative to the PII Principal, in addition to the role for the specific context of processing - e.g. - Processor, recipient, 3rd party, which represent the processing role and activity relative to the ANCR record. This enables liability and risks to be delegated and transferred amongst the stakeholders specified to a per process instance. As a result the party_ID schema is incorporated in the ANCR Record ID, which is specific to a PII Controller, not a service or purpose.


Consent receipt – and record info structure – was conceived as a record which capture the notice of a PII Controller, or the notice context of the PII Principal.


In this regard, 27560 is specified with the utility of the consent receipt in mind, which is to specify the purpose of personal data use and risks so that people can make informed choices and control personal data.

Schema Interoperability

  1. The ANCR protocol is for generating a record of notice containing controller id and contact, this is always the schema ‘event’ indicator, in this regard the ancr_id field maps to and replaces the event id field in ISO/IEC 27560 WD 5 consent record information structure (ref; 27560)

    1. To this extent the 27560 ‘event schema’ section is not required.

  2. The ANCR record is specified to ISO/IEC 29100 (ref;29100), in which the ‘privacy and security stakeholders’ are defined, in the context of the ANCR record, this means that any role (other than PII Principal) has a Controller id, and stakeholder role, relative to the PII Principal,

    1. As a result the party_schema is incorporated in the ANCR Record ID, which is specific to a PII Controller, not a service or purpose.

  3. A 27560 consent record, which contains the PII Principal identifier in the same record, this would first need a consent receipt, with this purpose as proof of notice – or the record would demonstrate non-compliance with sources referenced in the ANCR record and rendered not interoperable with the ANCR record schema and spec.

    1. In this regard, ANCR specification is interoperable for 27560, but 27560 is not interoperable with the ANCR record, as this breaks ANCR Record Security, and contravenes privacy considerations for management of the ANCR Record.

    2. To address this we have introduced the missing link, which are the fields for a Proof of Notice ANCR record and receipt required to be blinded, consent to combine the records in such a way is evidenced. Hence providing proof, securing the PII Principals data under the Principal’s control, as well as being compliant with legislation and 29184.

  4. The ANCR record can itself be extended in to a Controller Credential When the ANCR record is used in a consent receipt flow it can also be used to. ToiP-Controller Credential -

Schema Mapping

The following mapping of the ANCR record schema is provide to conform to instructions provided in ISO/IEC 27560. To this extent, and accordance with ISO/IEC 27560 Art 6.2.3, this annex publishes the ANCR Record Schema’s at Kantara and hosted at the Human Colossus Foundation, for the Global Privacy Rights, public benefit Initiative.


Codes of practice can be approved and monitored which are used to combine multiple purposes together for an expected code of practice. A “Purpose Bundles” operated with a code practice can be approved and to operationalize privacy.

Anchored Record Schema ‘Structure’ Sections

In addition to the consent receipt schema, the ANCR record schema provides a protocol for its operation.


These refer to 27560 line – 362 WD4, where it calls out the need to reference the schema(s) information structure used, in addition to demonstrating the capacity to maintain documentation for its correct technical implementation. - and conformance to the requirements specified in the 27560 documents.

ANCR to 27560 Schema (in draft for v08.6 - 0.9)

ANCR Consent Receipt Section




27560 Term


1. Header- Control Object


Specified to be a toot recorded identifier

Notice record id is used as root identifier for linking records about the status of privacy with that controller

Record id

schema version


PII Controller Identity Object

PII Controller Name

PII Controller address

correspondence contact email

correspondence jurisdiction privacy regulation

correspondence phone

Correspondence website

Correspondence website ssl certificate

Non-operational privacy contact point

Privacy Contact Point Object


Must have at least one field for the PCP object


Privacy Access Point Profile


In-person access to privacy contact


PCP email


Privacy access phone


privacy info access point, URI


Privacy access form URI


privacy bot, URI


code of practice certificate, URI





PCP Policy

PCP privacy policy, URI

ANCR focuses on a KPI – for the transparency performance of privacy contact access point

Proof of Notice Object

Object labels


Notice Type

Notice, notification, disclosure

Notice method

Link / URL to the UI that was used to present the notice e.g. website home page


Notice location e.g.ip address

location Certificate

Notice Language

The language notice provided in

Notice Text File

URL – and or Hashlink for the notice text

Notice text

The capture of a copy of the notification text

Notified legal Justification

Implied or explicit notified legal justification based on the text of a notice and its context

PII controller risks

Uses notice type which would be equivalent to event type in 27560

Concentric Notice Label

Different but incorporates how to fame 27560 defined consent types

Categorizes Notice Labels to indicate protocol for rights access and inherent risks

29184 – purpose specification

2. Purpose Spec - Object

Purpose ID

Service Name

Purpose name

Purpose Description

Plausible RiSK - *can data control impact assessment)

Purpose Type

Legal justification

Lawful basis

Sensitive PII Categpry

Special PII Category

PII Principal Category

PII Processors

PII Sub-processors


Risk notice disclosure


Service Notice Risks

PII Principal Category

3. Treatment

Attribute Id

Notified Collection method

Collection method


Storage location

Retention period

Processing location Restrictions



Justification for processing (state of privacy)



4. a) Code of Conduct/

Inherent to concentric labels - Rights Objects: withdraw, object, restrict, access and rectification, termination of justification,

Regulated practice, approved be regulator or legislated


Notice Defaults

Data portability

FoI-Access & Rectification

4.b)Code of Practice


Surveillance Code of practice

Certified practice,

Children’s Design Code of Practice

Operational Privacy Code of Practice

Terms (wip)

Purpose Bundle

  • Code of Practice Certification -

    • Badge -

      • Pre-Consent Notice Lable Type

        • Notify to confirm or change -

          • Then start -

      • Purpose Description – medical

        • Vital interest

        • Legal obligation

        • Operational personal data handle (3rd Party)

      • Approved by Regulator (yes/no)

      • Certified Body - ? - Certification

        • SSI – Gov – Principles – Codes of Conduct


  • An Anchor record is a PII Controller Relationship Notice Record, very similar to a PII Controller Credential, but instead of being provided by a specific stakeholder, this – micro-credential can be created as an ANCR Notice Record by the PII Principal.

  • When a record or receipt is generated, it can use either this record, or a PII Controller provided record as the source record, for linking all of the subsequent record and receipts together. This way both the PII Controller and Principal have corresponding (mirrored) records which are not directly linked and separately controlled.

Revision history



Summary of Substantive Changes



Initial v1.1 draft



Draft – updating scope to Notice and eConsent



Full outline / 70% drafted



Outline 100% Draft - Posted to Kantara Wiki


Annex Updates


Restructured Sections and schema, cleaned schema up a little – practice what preaching by making spec structural human centric
