Versions Compared


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Assuming that a test would compare digital cameras, one could study the comparison in detail to come to informed decision, applying different weights to usability, durability, picture quality, zoom range etc. Or one could use the score “very good” in the shop when purchasing a camera ad hoc, without unbiased consulting at hand.

I derive from consumer reports that both approaches are meaningful and two audiences should be addressed. The enterprise risk manager would most probably see a detailed set of assurances to protect valuable assets, whereas the typical SOHO user would like to get away with a 3 second attention span on the security and privacy topic and would be served better with a simple scale.

To achieve interoperability most controls are already aggregated, mixing apples and oranges. Take the famous encryption strength: Looking at Ecrypt’s yearly report on key sizes on learns quickly, that a “128 bit equivalent” in composed of symmetric and asymmetric key lengths, hash functions, padding, protection duration and more. The same is true for many other controls. It will be the challenge of each trust framework to find the adequate level of granularity for each control, which balances control with flexibility and interoperability.

Further aspects:

When controls are implemented to fulfill a protection requirement the controls can be measures along 3 generic vectors:

  1. Relative virtue compared to the state of the art (e.g. optional data minimization is weaker than if it is mandatory)
  2. Strength of enforcement (contractual, by law, technically, with or without audit, ..)
  3. Capability maturity of the asserting actor (ad hoc, controlled, improving processes)

Existing models

  • A well-defined security metric is the EAL (Evaluation Assurance Level) used by Common Criteria (ISO 15408). However, each EAL is related to a specific security target. In a federation, where many participants conform to a common policy, the CC process is not feasible because deployments may be quite different.
  • NIST SP 800-63 is the well-known ancestor of a 4 level of assurance model. It is specific to US federal government employees and contractors and therefore does not regard protection requirements that are irrelevant to that use case. It names the LoA from low to very high. The risk assessment for these levels is specified in OMB-0404.
  • ISO/IEC 29115 defines a guideline for Entity Authentication Assurance levels similar to NIST 800-63.
  • There are numerous other models with 4 levels and other granularities as well. However, it is neither feasible to have a set of strict minimum requirements nor a fixed definition of security levels that are globally applicable. In particular, Identity Proofing & Verification, and Privacy are very specific to local jurisdictions.
  • BBFA (UK) has extracted following business-level understanding of a 4-level LoA from various international discussions:
    • LOA 1: No reliance on claimed (and usually self-asserted) identity; No serious harm in case the identity is wrong or stolen.
    • LOA 2: Some reliance on identity, which is proofed by some "Know Your Customer" process. There is a calculated risk that a part of transactions fail due to broken identities, but damages are small in relation to the overall business volume and can be insured or taken as residual risk. Internet banking usually operates on this level.
    • LOA 3: High reliance on identity with well specified processes and controls. There is either a high risk of financial impact or privacy intrusion. This is typical for many government and business use cases.
    • LOA 4: Very high reliance on identity, applicable for risks to life and health or national security; For example airplane safety or defense projects.