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(1) WG NAME:
Healthcare Identity Assurance (HIAWG)

(2) PURPOSE:Please provide a clear statement of purpose and justification why the proposed WG is necessary 

The Kantara Healthcare Identity Assurance WG exists to be the primary source of Healthcare Industry expert input into the Kantara IAF; to promote the use of Trust Frameworks in the Healthcare Industry for meeting the Trusted Identity interoperability requirements of the industry; and, to foster collaboration with regional, national and international Healthcare IT organizations.

(3) SCOPE:

  • The


3.5 General Goals:


  • HIAWG will be known as an active collaboration arena for developing new and existing ways to extend the use of Trusted Identities in Healthcare
  • The HIAWG will be a recognized source of research and publications on difficult Trusted Identities in Healthcare issues 
  • The HIAWG will be a valued partner to other organizations needing a source of Healthcare expertise in Trust Frameworks and Interoperable Credentials and Portable Identities
  • Be an active discussion arena to study 'hard problems' for interoperable identities in Healthcare
  • Recommend changes to the Kantara IAF that would increase uptake by Healthcare organizations
  • To act as an information gathering body within Kantara Initiative that tracks significant trends in regulation affecting Healthcare IT worldwide and to feed this information back to the appropriate groups within Kantara Initiative, and where appropriate, with recommended actions (e.g. to respond to the US Government Request for Information)


  • To provide Kantara Initiative with spokespersons on healthcare identity assurance related topics.


  • Provide Kantara Initiative with subject matter expertise regarding the unique identity management and regulatory challenges facing the healthcare industry.


  • To provide inputs for external communications, such as collateral materials and contributed articles.


  • Where appropriate, take part in the identification and planning of healthcare industry events.



  • Work with US and international groups including but not limited to: NHS-UK, National Healthcare Systems (Potentially within the following countries: Sweden, Denmark, Japan and South Korea), Health Information Exchanges (HIEs) and similar US groups to recruit them into these discussions to provide the broadest possible input.


  • Coordinate with US federal agencies involved with health care exchanges for example Veterans Administration, Indian Health Service, Department of Defense, Centers for Disease Control, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security Administration.


  • Provide input to US federal health information standards, for example


  • HITSC and CCHIT, to ensure alignment with emerging federal standards


  • .


3.3.1 Reach out to other appropriate groups to invite participation, including organizations that already "vet" large groups of consumers, like banks, insurance companies, AAA, etc.


  • Discuss and


  • recommend how healthcare enterprises will deliver this functionality while meeting all regulatory obligations as set by various bodies worldwide, including the issues of patient privacy, security and patient consent issues.

3.3.4 Educate the healthcare community on the principles of consumer identity management.

3.3.5 Coordinate with Identity Assurance and Accreditation Work Group (IAA WG).

3.3.6 Discuss and identify feasible, reliable and economic methods for consumer authentication and identification.

3.3.7 Review appropriate ASTM and similar standards surrounding patient identification and incorporate patient identification services in the discussions.

3.4 Healthcare worker health records access:

3.4.1 Develop standardized use cases for healthcare worker access to health information

3.4.2 Develop standardized use cases for healthcare worker access to healthcare information during emergencies and for natural disaster

3.4.3 Develop standards for this exchange for countries beyond the US.

3.4.4 Discuss, identify and/or develop a set of "Trust Roles" that can be exchanged between systems.





(5) OTHER DRAFT RECOMMENDATIONS: Other Draft Recommendations and projected completion dates for submission for All Member Ballot 

To be defined as required, and listed on the HIAWG wiki space.

(6) LEADERSHIP: Proposed WG Chair and Editor(s) (if any) subject to confirmation by a vote of the WG Participants.

  • Chair: Pete Palmer
  • Vice-Chair: Andrew Hughes

(7) AUDIENCE: Anticipated audience or users of the work.

  • Kantara Initiative Members and Participants wanting a deeper understanding of Healthcare IT and Identity issues, regulations and requirements.
  • Healthcare IT Industry via participation at conferences and research reports under the Kantara Initiative banner


The Kantara Initiative Leadership Council charters the Healthcare Identity Assurance Work Group which is intended to be a standing WG to address work that is expected to be ongoing. This charter may be amended from time to time, with changes approved by the Leadership Council.


Kantara Initiative IPR Policy - Option: Creative Commons Share Alike Option

(10) RELATED WORK AND LIAISONS: Related work being done in other WGs or other organizations and any proposed liaison with those other WGs or organizations. 

  • Kantara Identity Assurance WG: To inform IA WG of Healthcare requirements, regulatory impacts and industry landscape. To help create Healthcare-oriented guidance and collateral.
  • Kantara Attributes in Motion WG: To contribute to AIM WG understanding of Healthcare Industry attribute initiatives and requirements.
  • Kantara Information Sharing WG: To contribute to Information Sharing WG understanding of Healthcare Industry information sharing and meaningful consent initiatives and requirements.
  • Kantara User Managed Access WG: To inform UMA WG of Healthcare use cases and regulatory requirements.
  • Liaison with To work within the scope of the Kantara-DirectTrust MOU
  • Liaison with EHNAC: To work within the scope of the Kantara-EHNAC MOU
  • Liaison with NSTIC IDESG: To collaborate with IDESG counterparts through a master liaison agreement between IDESG and Kantara
  • Information exchange: Federal Agencies (CMS, ONC); Professional and Trade Associations (HIMSS); Federal Bridge Certificate Authority

(11) CONTRIBUTIONS (optional): 

None declared.

(12) PROPOSERS:Names, email addresses, and any constituent affiliations of at least the minimum set of proposers required to support forming the WG. At least 3 proposers must be listed. At least 2 of the proposers must be Kantara Initiative Members - current members list