Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Voting Participants: Denny Prvu [RBC], Mark Hapner, Richard Wilsher [Zygma], Mark King, Andrew Hughes [Ping], Martin Smith
Other Participants: Eric Thompson [Experian], Max Fathauer [Ping], Lorrayne Auld [MITRE], Michael Harris [NextGenID], Jim Kragh, Marc Aronson
Staff: Kay Chopard, Lynzie Adams


  1. Administration:

    • Roll call, determination of quorum

    • Minutes approval - 2023-03-02 Minutes

    • General Updates

    • Assurance Updates

  2.  Discussion: 

  3. Any Other Business

Meeting Notes 

Administrative Items:

IAWG Vice-Chair Denny Prvu called the meeting to order.  Roll was called. Meeting was quorate. 


The group did not verbalize any disagreement with this concept and the tab remained in the document for now. Through later conversation the word human was inserted into many of the definitions and proofing types to be more explicit.

Richard suggested we should not leave column G (suggested change) blank. We need to have an actionable remediation for each comment.

Richard explained his argument for the IAL comparison tab. Andrew suggested it might be more complex to continue to have to go back to reference other assurance levels. Potentially a summary chart could be a more concise way to represent each of the levels.

As individual comments were addressed, discussed and agreed upon, they were turned green to signify inclusion in the Kantara submission.

Any Other Business:

Our meetings will continue to be 90 minutes through the end of the comment period. We will not be including our standard administrative topics in these meetings to observe time during the call.