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ANCR WG, where building on the success of previous work, provides open , royalty free specifications, for personal data control, aka anchoured notice and consent receipts. A mirriored record specification, specified to ISO/IEC 29100, international data governance, extended with ISO/IEC 29184, and 27560, to provide an international standard for data governance transparency, control and digital identity interoperability for people.thorugh mirrored records and receipts that provide trustworthy digital privacy transparency over digital trust.

Remove this Draft Note: Action 1 - first draft of top-line boiler plate - introducing stakeholders to ANCR Specs *

Get Involved this Summer in ANCR Activities,

  1. Kantara Community interop and demo - meetings

  2. Review and comment on latest specifications

  3. Collaborate on developing consensus protocol for consent by design project development

General Meeting -

  • Wed 12pm eastern

  • Working on Consensus, Reviewing Roadmap and policy

Specification review Meeting

  • Wed 9 am Eastern July 10th - Next time in Aug TBA

Digital Trust Governance Interop for Kantara Community

  • Wed 9 am Easter July 17th - Next time in Aug TBA

    • Consumer Protection vs Consumer Rights Policy

ANCR: Digital Trust Governance 

  • ANCR standing for Anchored by the individual, as the master controller, data subject and PII Principle, require to enable existing systems with a Consent Gateway - which is a Consent by Design - Human Centric 'Knowledge based method of Operating Systems' 

    • Authentic - Consented Data : all surveillance and its processing produces a mirrored record, to established its authenticity and providence, with standardised notice as required by the international treaty, with a legal scope that covers the internet for the Commonwealth of 56 countries

    • Personal Secure clean, trusted data source Anchored refers technically to the individual in control of a personal and private record of processing activity called a receipt, that is notarised by an 0PN-Notary.  

    • Personal control and governance of Meta-data : This record of micro-data, is used to gain transparency over the processing of the data capture by a second and third party, and to enable  independent control of personal data, so that the individual can then, as a master data controller, use digital consent to permission the use of micro-data so as to be used as meta-data, for personal, private, and common use.  Where as public non-governed use is non-compliant and has low level of assurance automatically. 

      • Call for a Digital Forrest Charter - all data must show providence and be authentic in the _________ commons       

  •   SDPT → standardised digital privacy transparency specifications

    • The CR v2. Consent Receipt Token  - Digital Consent as a Secondary purpose

      • Mirrored record of processing activities to enable scalable digital trust assurance

      • PII Controller Credential

        • mirrored record and  consent receipt  for trusted and governed data control providing a legal proof of notice.  .

        •  the use of the (TPS -- >. Digital Trust Performance Scheme) to measure the conformance and compliance of digital trust for all stakeholders - addressing and solving a key challenge that has until now prevented scalable governance of digital privacy 

Stakeholder Groups 

  1. Individuals  (Master Controllers) 

  2. Data Controllers - communities / digital data ecosystems 

  3. Data Processors ( and Data Intermediaries) 

  4. Regulators 

  5. Data Soverign Communiteis and Industries

Technically Applicable to:

  • Making Transparent the providence and authenticity of any data process, for any legal justification, wether it is public or personal data processing, to enable trust and consent to scale with network/digital devices and technologies.   Including - All Digital Identifier and attribute based technologies   verifiable Credential Technologies,

  • Used universally for all stakeholders to participate in data  Governance of all security an surveillance technologies so that they can be trusted

  • Interoperable -  enable individual  authority to control managed and govern their own data with an anchored  transparency record and consent receipt based assurance framework 

  • inclusive of all people, and data processing contexts covering   3 vectors of data governance,   enable by the Conv108+ data protection law. 

Consent by Design Identifier, attirbute and Credential based Governance

ANCR WG - Common (ground up_ research and development) Background

The ANCR WG, and it’s founders have been committed to developing a commons based identity trust framework for humans since 2006, where this effort originally began at Identity Commons, as the Identity & Trust Charter. It became an Open Notice effort in 2012, with the Campaign for standards collaboration with industry and standards organisation for an alternative to the I Agree - policy framework.

Became a WG effort at Kantara evoling the Information Sharing WG to the Consent and Information Sharing WG, where the Conent Receipt was specified, and now continues under the ANCR WG, where building on the success of previous work, provides open, royalty free specification, for data governance transparency, control and digital identity interoperabilty for people

Generic Benefits of ANCR Specs

  • Transparency over Surveillance, enabling individuals to understand data sharing and disclosures risks in context

  • DPTS 0PN Digital Commons Privacy Policy - Digital Privacy Notice Broadcasting - Consent by Signalling - Enables trusted signalling peer to peer, and (0pn-common-notary)

  • Generic Concentric data control and data control transparency best practices for Secondary Consent to provide


Overall, ANCR: CbD enables the transition to personal data control andas a necessary and beneficial evolution that modernized the operations, of services for improved customer service, and positioned them for future growth in the digital age.

ANCR: Digital Trust Governance 

ANCR standing for Anchored by the individual, as the master controller, data subject and PII Principle, require to enable existing systems with a Consent Gateway - which is a Consent by Design - Human Centric 'Knowledge based method of Operating Systems' 


Authentic - Consented Data : all surveillance and its processing produces a mirrored record, to established its authenticity and providence, with standardised notice as required by the international treaty, with a legal scope that covers the internet for the Commonwealth of 56 countries




Personal control and governance of Meta-data : This record of micro-data, is used to gain transparency over the processing of the data capture by a second and third party, and to enable  independent control of personal data, so that the individual can then, as a master data controller, use digital consent to permission the use of micro-data so as to be used as meta-data, for personal, private, and common use.  Where as public non-governed use is non-compliant and has low level of assurance automatically. 

  • Call for a Digital Forrest Charter - all data must show providence and be authentic in the _________ commons       


  SDPT → standardised digital privacy transparency specifications and governance with 

  • Enables CR v2. Consent Token Framework - Digital Consent as a Secondary purpose

    • PII Controller Credential

      • mirrored record and  consent receipt  for trusted and governed data control providing a legal proof of notice.  .

      •  the use of the (TPS -- >. Digital Trust Performance Scheme) to measure the conformance and compliance of digital trust for all stakeholders - addressing and solving a key challenge that has until now prevented scalable governance of digital privacy 

Stakeholder Groups 

  1. Individuals  (Master Controllers) 

  2. Data Controllers - communities / digital data ecosystems 

  3. Data Processors ( and Data Intermediaries) 

  4. Regulators 

  5. Data Soverign Communiteis and Industries

Technically Applicable to:

  • Making Transparent the providence and authenticity of any data process, for any legal justification, wether it is public or personal data processing, to enable trust and consent to scale with network/digital devices and technologies.   Including - All Digital Identifier and attribute based technologies   verifiable Credential Technologies,

  • Used universally for all stakeholders to participate in data  Governance of all security an surveillance technologies so that they can be trusted

  • Interoperable -  enable individual  authority to control managed and govern their own data with an anchored  transparency record and consent receipt based assurance framework 

  • inclusive of all people, and data processing contexts covering   3 vectors of data governance,   enable by the Conv108+ data protection law. 

Consent by Design Identifier, attirbute and Credential based Governance

ANCR WG - Commons Background and Research

The ANCR WG, and it’s founders have been committed to developing a commons based identity trust framework for humans since 2006, where this effort originally began at Identity Commons, as the Identity & Trust Charter. It became an Open Notice effort in 2012, with the Campaign for standards collaboration with industry and standards organisation for an alternative to the I Agree - policy framework.

Became a WG effort at Kantara evoling the Information Sharing WG to the Consent and Information Sharing WG, where the Conent Receipt was specified, and now continues under the ANCR WG, where building on the success of previous work, provides open, royalty free specification, for data governance transparency, control and digital identity interoperabilty for people