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  • Roll Call
  • Approve Minutes
  • Administration
  • Voting
  • Operationalization
  • Discussion Items
  • WG Updates
  • BoT Liaison Rep
  • AoB


Discussion Items

5minRoll CallSal
  • Nicole Domkiw
  • Pete Palmer
  • Ken Dagg
  • Collin Wallis
  • Ingo Friese

  • Mark Lizar

  • Apologies: Sal and Eve
  • Quorum Met
5minApprove MinutesSal3 sets of minutes to approve on next call
  • Action Item Review
  • Executive Director Report - see Executive Director's Corner
  • WG Quarterly Report Planning
  • Update on Closing Meta Model and Business Cases WorkGroups
    • Follow up with Marissa
10minVotingSalSocial Media Policy
  • All custom work group and discussion group logos need to be approved by the LC before being made public
  • Pete made a motion to approve Social Media Policy as is with the addition of the above line
  • IAWG seconds
  • No objections- hearing no objections. Social Media Policy is passes
Notification of Operating Procedures: All Member Ballot
5minOperationalizationSalKantara themes of Trusted Services and Connected Life through virtual webinars
5minDiscussion ItemsLC
  • Marketing Updates
  • Dates for future KI events
  • Marketing and Outreach
10minWG UpdatesLC
  • HIAWG- meeting again next week
  • EGOV– have not met since last call
  • IAWG- starting this week with back to weekly call will be addressing RFI
  • CISWG- send-receipts discussion- funding obtained to work on spec and funding for DOT for receipt generator. Working toward v1- Minimal Viable Consent Receipt. UMA is ready for funding from the Board of Trustees for reference implementation coding.
  • IDoT WG- Biweekly conferences- recently discussed first draft of paper of identity of things.
5minBoT Liaison RepColin & SalNo update
2minAoB None
 Adjourn Motion to end the call made by Mark, Collin seconds the motion
