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Hello everyone


November was less intense for your Executive Director, but nonetheless, busy and exciting as the 2020 strategic and tactical plans for your Kantara take real shape and form. While 2019 saw us celebrate Kantara's 10 years of accomplishments in program expansion and specification development & 3rd party conformity assessed assurance - 'ethics and conformance Trust Marked' is how strapline our presentations - Kantara 2020 portends to be a game-changing year, as your organization breaks new ground in our industry delivering a value proposition second to none. Of course it's only going to be that for organizations and individual contributors that seize the opportunities and ride the waves. Pay attention if you are in 'passive monitoring Kantara mode' on a working group or in a holding pattern for maybe, might be, could be membership and program participation.  2020 is the year to get off the fence, join your industry association and 'just do it'.  

The first week of November saw Kantara double dating conferences in Europe - Whitehall Media's IDM conference in London tangling with Day 1 of EEMA's legendary ISSE 2 day conference in BrusselsIn London I thought it appropriate to speak on the controversial topic of contrasting government IDM programmes, given Kantara's significant exposure to them and the challenges that Gov.UK Verify is currently facing. Edgy in some places I was happy to get good post-presentation feedback and interest to joining Kantara. After a video and a quick bite of of lunch I was heading to St Pancras and Eurostar to Brussels to pick up the tail end of Day 1 networking hour. I was joined by  @NixuTigerTeam 's @MartinSandren and @KantarNews staff Ruth Puente presenting the 2nd call for NGI_Trust grant funding. @Ubisecure 's @osantolalla had prepared a new video of the Consent Receipt which dovetailed beautifully into Martin's presentation on external identities in the enterprise, looking at the IS06 professional certification attribute exchange service in Sweden and Finland, and using a crane driver as an example showed how the attributes of the lift-weight of the crane can be connected to the professional certification attributes of the crane driver. How did Consent Receipts come into the picture you ask? Dave Birch initiated an interesting discussion from the floor, on the notion of extending the Consent Receipt to IoT use cases. ISSE raminas one of my favourite conferences for the sheer brilliance of the speakers.  

After a week off the road and rail (and my highly anticipated Blackpool meeting postponed till December) I was in the air and heading to DC, the first stop of my 2 city tour in the US Northeast in the 3rd week of November. It was great to catch up with @Experian_US, @KUMA_LLC, @CapitalOne, @EasyDynamics, the two DC based members of Kantara's mission-critical Assurance Review Board, Dan Dreyfus and liaison partners @FDXOrg and @SAFEBioPharma.  It was great to catch up with the Kantara-facing representatives of all these organizations as we shape the plans for next year.  I finished the working week in Burlington (not Montpelier as previously advised) meeting with the Vermont Attorney General's Office, supported by Leadership Council Chair Andrew Hughes and hugely supportive Austin based innovative start-up @TransmuteNews. Kantara's personal-agency enhancing specifications now with wide adoption had caught the attention of these state-leading Vermonters interested in tools to improve their consumer data protection and support digital service provider best practice. It was a fascinating discussion and a great honor; an industry organization rarely gets to sit across the table with regulators and policy creators. I'll share more as it plays out.    

It's also great to welcome new corporate member Easy Dynamics Corporation, the DC based consultancy with an enviable reputation that includes key federal agencies amongst its clients and new individual contributor member Yusuf Khan from Dubai. Also a big welcome back to long-time contributor and community supporter Gluu.   


Program, Work Group and Discussion Group Updates:

  • You can always keep up with the latest news from the Work and Discussion Groups directly on the Leadership Council's Blog. See the list of public groups here.
