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Greetings folks


It's been both an honor and a pleasure to oversee Kantara build velocity and momentum across all its initiatives - both new ones like ID Pro and Blockchain Smart Contracts as well as more established ones like UMA and Consent Receipt. It is not going unnoticed. The community is reacting and positioning in a very positive way. More announcements are coming that will bring greater value to members and participants alike.  Membership and participation is up, as are program applications for Identity Assurance and KIPI (Kantara Identity & Privacy Incubator) - our new name for the R&D funding program. A big shout out of thanks to Ken Dagg in Canada for that re-naming suggestion. !  

Our Workshop at the Cloud Identity Summit was very well attended. Folks seem to enjoy our fluid agenda with multiple speakers even if the logistics can sometimes get the better of us as we showcase our highly respected membership to others new to the space. When I asked for a show of 'hands up' as to who was new to Kantara (not a participant or member) around two thirds of the room put their hand up.  So inspiring! LC Chair Andrew Hughes's idea of the 'Team Kantara' breakfast table was a huge hit. New members, prospective members, longstanding members, friends, spouses, children - they all came! 




  • ISO/ITU-T:  ISO SC27's meeting was held in Tampa FL, and we were fortunate to have a number of Kantara members to attend, speak to our Liaison Statement to Working Group 5, Identity Management and PrivacyNothing ground breaking to report here, but remember a significant Kantara member-only benefit is access to the Kantara's Category A liaison with ISO/IEC JTC1 SC27 Working Group 5 (Identity and Privacy). This means you can review and comment on WG5's standard drafts. Of particular interest is ISO 29184, Guidelines for online privacy notices and consent along with reviews of 29115 Entity Authentication Assurance, and 24760-1 A framework for Identity Management.Two further  co-edited by our own Kantara Board member Nat Sakimura. 
  • Further liaisons remain in progress, with an announcement expected in Junesoon

New Activities:

  • I've mentioned the ID Pro initiative and Blockchain Smart Contracts above, but in addition we continue to get strong interest with both of these are enjoying sign-ups in the hundreds. And in Kantara's R&D funding program, in partnership with Rutgers university, NJ. Another proposal is showing promise, with 4 more in preparation and a further 5 from IIW and EIC still yet to materialize. Thanks to the folks who are preparing further project submissions. We look forward to them.KIPI, we have another proposal through the first gate, with several more in preparation. Keep 'em coming! 

New Members:

  • Kantara welcomes  the other member from Australia that was in process last month. That organization is the Digital Transformation Office of the Australian Government. Amongst several other notable organizations we welcome back Neustar, Inc. 
